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Ok guys asked for it, i delivered it. lOvE mEeEeE...

First off before we begin, there will be A LOT of OOC action here. I do not want to hear from anybody that this character doesn't act this way or whatever!!! If you do............ ill still love you :3 but please doNt Do iT.... Second, i want all of you to take in OaTh.

Everybody raise your right hand and repeat after me:

I promise to sell my soul to Violet in order for her to update more.

dont......... actually say that...

Well thats all so on with the story!!!!


Asano's POV

I dropped my bag in shock. I couldn't say anything, so I just stood there gaping. My father had just explained that we are going to be moving at the end of the week. I couldn't believe it. All my friends, my grades, my life, it would all be gone.

"Why?" I finally managed to choke out a word.

"I have recieved an offer for a job as a high school principal," my father explained.

"B-but what about everything we have here?" I stuttered trying my best to not break down right here.

"Gakushuu, I know how hard this is on you but you must understand that I'm doing this to better our lives." Father looked sympathetic.

"But what about my school, my friends-" I started but was cut off.

"Gakushuu, you can always contact your friends through social media," I suppose father's right about that.

"Where are we moving anyway?" I asked.

"To the city where your mother and I first met."

"Wait, but isn't that..." I trailed off.

"Yes, it's also where she's buried..." Father seemed to think the groud was the most interesting thing at the moment.

"Oh..." and with that I was sent to go pack up my things.

On the bright side the school year just started last week. So I won't be missing a lot when I arrive at my new school.... but, it'll be.... different... What if I don't make any friends?  I thought to myself. No! Don't think like that Gakushuu!!! You'll make friends. You always do.

What I didn't know though, was that this move was going to change my life forever.


TA-DA!!! Hope you all liked it!!! Sorry it was so short, but I mean there's not much to tell about the move......... eh heh heh heh...

I'm actually excited about continuing this story!!!

Welp until next time!!! Cya~

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