Pg 5. Starbucks

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Not long after the performance at city hall, Alyssa received a call from Tyler. She didn't recognize the number until she heard his soft voice.



"Tyler, is it?"

"Yeah, this Alyssa's phone?"


"Where you at right now?"

"Just finished school. We're going to get to Starbucks to grab a drink and chat."


There was a long silence.

"Can I....  join you?" Alyssa could feel him blushing through the phone.

"Sure. You know Haken Starbucks, right? Next to the thrift shop?"

"I know. I'll bring my car."


"See ya in about 5 minutes."

- Click -

Alyssa looked down at her phone, storing the number in her contacts. When she looked back up, she found her friends surrounding her, their eyes already asking her a million questions. Alyssa laugh-grunted at them. Hilarious. She thought.

"So.. who was that?" Isabel asked, one hand on her waist with her weight on one leg.

"I bet it was one of those Willow boys." Linda murmured, an envious look in her eye.

"Girl, you better tell us which!" Blake shouted, her black-accent deep.

"Tyler. He's coming over to Starbucks." Alyssa answered.

The girls screamed with joy, while Ryan laughed his head off. Richard (a Queen's team player who is friends with them) joined in the conversation. "Who?"

Alyssa repeated. "His name is Tyler. He's from Willow High. He's coming over to Starbucks."

Richard raised an eyebrow. He liked being serious like that all the time. "And why?"

Linda screamed- "TO SEE ALYSSA! SQUEEEEE!" 

Isabel covered her ears, glaring at Linda.

"Look- Linda, I know we are all a little light up here- but keep your f*cking voice down! Or I swear I'm gonna break your neck with a snap!" Isabel said calmly. 

She always says something pretty mean like that- so smoothly you don't even recognize that's a curse word she just said. It's just how she does her pep-talk.

"Okay fine, but do you hear me? Tyler must be coming for Alyssa, am I wrong?" Linda said, her voice still loud enough for the whole crowd to hear.

"Guys, just stay normal and relaxed, will you? I need him to think we are as normal as f*ck." Alyssa said, her voice with a little bit of anxiety. What the hell was she doing here? She's not like this... this wasn't normal.

When Alyssa and her friends stepped in, Alyssa found Tyler already on the counter, ordering his drink. She passed him and went over to get a seat. The seat beside the staff room with the egg chairs was always their spot. When Tyler got his drink, he came over to her, knowing she was already seated. But there were two drinks in his hand.

He placed the cup down in front of Alyssa and sat beside her. The others threw their bags around them and left to order their drinks. Alyssa let herself sink into the comfortable chair.

"Triple mocha frappuccino. Thought it suited you." Tyler said, drinking his pink strawberry drink. Alyssa laughed.

"I didn't know you were a mind reader too." She stated, sucking on the straw. She then laughed a little more.

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