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    Jackie sat beside her friend Jay as they drove down the highway to school. They talked about the dance they went to together last night. "You have fun last night?" Jay asked "Yep, it was fun, especially because-" Jackie cut off "You were with the best dancer ever!! hahaha" Jay laughed. "Yea..that too, so your throwing a party tomorrow?" , "Yup, just for my best friend's birthday...uh.." Jay stammered. Jackie laughed. "It's for my birthday? Aw your so sweet" Jay smiled and turned into the school parhing lot. "It's nothing, really" Jay said as he parked the car. "Nothing?! Really? It's my birthday, remember?", "I know it's just..." Jay let his sentence trail off. They climbed out the car and walked into the school together. Jackie walked to her locker and got her books and materials for her math class. Jay stood beside her, waiting. "So..it's just what?" Jackie asked. "Um...it's just...you know.."Jay stammered. The bell rung throughout the school letting everyone know that it was time for class.

4th Period: lunch

    Jay and Jackie sat next to each other talking about Jay's party tomorrow. Jackie finished her vanilla ice cream and threw it away. "So what are you going to be doing at the party?" Jay asked "hmm, I don't know maybe dance, have fun?" Jackie answered sarcastically. Jay laughed. "True" Jay checked his phone for any messages. It was 1:24. "It's time for 5th period, cmon" Jay told Jackie. They got up and threw the rest of the trash away, went to their lockers and got their art supplies. They walked into the classroom and sat in their seats. The teacher, Mr. Wells, came into the classroom and began class. "Alright class let's begin with yestarday's assignment, for those who do not remember you are making a picture of something that reminds you of your childhood. When you finish you can turn it in to me, if you want to take it home then you can, but please make sure you show it to me and that I grade it first".

    Jackie finished up her drawing of her childhood teddy bear named Miss Cuddles, it was a cute light sandy brown bear with a pink bow on the right ear. Jay leaned over and whispered "You should use some oil pastels, it'll make the drawing look more realistic". Jackie nodded and grabbed some of Jay's oil pastels. When she finished she looked over the drawing and it did look better and really realistic. "Thanks Jay" Jackie said before she walked over to the teacher's desk. She handed the drawing to Mr. Wells, he took it gently and studied it like it was too difficult to read. He took a slow deep breath and stared at the drawing. "This is probably the best drawing that i"ve ever gotten from any student so far this year...other than Jacob,er, Jay. Are you wanting to take this home?", "Um,yes i would" Jackie answered. Mr.Wells stared at the drawing again, took another deep breath. She waited about 5 minutes for Mr.Wells to give her her drawing, but she decided to go sit down in her seat while she waited. "Likes it?" Jay asked when she sat down. "I think he loves it, he's been staring down my drawing for about 10 minutes."

    The 5 minute warning bell rung and everyone started to pack up their materials. Jackie put her materials up and sat back down in her seat. Mr.Wells stood next to Jackie and clears his throat. She looked up at him, and he hands her her drawing carefully and gently as if it were a rose petal. "Take good care of it, it's a very special drawing." Mr. Wells walks off as the dismiss bell rang and everyone runs out the doors and into the parking lot. Jackie heads to Jay's night black mustang Shelby GT 500. She slides into the driver seat and cranks the car up. She turns her favorite station and climbs into the passenger seat. Jay walks over to his car, gets in, and puts it in drive. They drove out of the school parking lot and speeds down the street. He exits into the high-way and races the car even faster. "Jay..." Jackie warns. Jay slows down a bit but still has the car going almost it's full speed. "Jay!! STOP!!" Jackie yelled. Jay looked at Jackie and smiled his usual cocky smile. Jackie stared at him. "Your high?!! Really Jacob?!! Stop the car!!" Jay laughed at Jackie's screams and sped even faster taking the mustang to it's full capacity. Jay speeds past other cars and drifts in and out of the lanes, ignoring Jackie's screams even more. Jay looks at Jackie for a second, she's terrified out of her skin, her long light brown hair blowing everywhere in the wind, her scarlet blue eyes wide with fear. Jay looks back at the rode and slams on the brake, but it was too late. The mustang crunches under the impact of the wreck. The mustang fly's into the air and flips over and over in the air like a professional acrobat in a circus. The car lands on top of another car and flips on it's passenger side. Jay staggers out of the car finally noticing what he's done. He gets up from all fours and tries to walk over to Jackiee, but the shooting, horriable pain in his ankle enables him to do so. He then limps over to the other side of the car and looks for Jackie frantically. "JACKIE!!" Jay screams her name. No response. "JACKIE!!!" He screams again. Still no response. Jay begins to panic and starts his next instinct, call an ambulance. He limps back to his side of the car and reaches for his cell. Instead of his cell he grabs, he grabs a warm pale hand, he gets a tighter grip on Jackie's hand and begins to pull, she slides slightly out of the now jammed seat. He finds his phone and dials 911. The operator picks up on the second ring, "Hello?,yes, i need a ambulance right away. i just got into a car wreck with a friend, the car is tipped over on it's side and i can't get her out...PLEASE HURRY, SHE'S GONNA DIE!!!" Jay tries to hold back tears of fear. The operator tells him that they'v got 5 ambulances on the way. He hung up and heard the sirens instantly in the distance, 5 minutes later the fire fighters were cutting open the car to get Jackie, and the ambulances helping innocent others who were injured in the impact. The fire fighters got the smashed door out and gently pulled Jackie out the car, who was unconscious. Jay limped over to her and fell. He held her hand as the medical assistants searched Jackie for signs of life and injuries. "She's still alive, but her heart it giving in, she has a couple of ribs pierced in deep, if we don't get her to the hospital soon, she'll die, let's move fella's!!" One of the medical assistants yelled. They gently picked her up and put her on a stretcher, got her into the ambulance with Jay.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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