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    Feliciano laid on the couch lazily as Ludwig cleaned things around the house. "Feliciano?" Ludwig asked, walking over to the couch. "Yeah?" Feliciano asked. "Are you planning on just laying there all day?"
"Maybe. I don't have anything to do,"

    "Why don't you help me with cleaning?" Ludwig asked, handing Feliciano a feather duster. "Alright!" Feliciano said happily. He went over to a railing and began to dust it. Feliciano looked over and saw that the house was fully cleaned. "Wow, Luddy, you're really good at cleaning!" Feliciano said. "I guess. What would you like for lunch?" Ludwig asked, walking into the kitchen. "Pasta~!" Feliciano shouted, setting the feather duster down and running into the kitchen. "Why am I not surprised..." Ludwig sighed, getting out some pots and pans. "Work your magic,"


    Feliciano set two plates of pasta onto a table. "Perfezionare!" Feliciano shouted, smiling. Ludwig sat down and twirled his fork in the noodles. He took a bite of it. "This is very good, Feli, thank you," Ludwig said. He took a few more bites and slid his plate over to Feliciano. The Italian has already inhaled his pasta. He looked at Ludwig's plate and then up at Ludwig. "Are you sure?" Feliciano asked. "Yes, I'm fine," Ludwig answered. Feliciano frowned slightly and walked over to a drawer. He took out some Saran wrap and walked back over to the table. He wrapped the plate with it and handed it to Ludwig. "Put this in the fridge," he said. Ludwig took the plate and put it inside the fridge. "What now?" Ludwig asked. "I dunno. Just hang around?" Feliciano asked.

    Ludwig scooped Feliciano up in his arms bridal style and carried him over to the couch. He sat down carefully with Feliciano still in his arms. Ludwig laid Feliciano down on the couch. Feliciano curled up next to Ludwig and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Ludwig smiled softly at him. "Hey Luddy?" Feliciano asked, looking up at the German. "Yes?"
"When was the last time you smiled in front of someone other than me?"
"Hm.... A while ago. In front of Kiku I believe. It wasn't because he made me smile though,"
"Then why?"

    Ludwig sighed. "Because you were talking rapidly again and it was cute," he answered, resting his head onto Feliciano's. Feliciano kissed Ludwig's lips softly and Ludwig kissed him back. Feliciano fell asleep shortly after and Ludwig carried him slowly into the bedroom that they shared often. He laid Feliciano on the bed gently and covered his body with a blanket. Ludwig slipped under the blanket next to him and wrapped his arms around Feliciano. He fell asleep there.


    This was based off of a roleplay with Maxvid-Danvid


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