Part the first, an introduction

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It was a day like any other in this boring little Hamlet, I understand that by calling it both "little" and a "Hamlet" it seems redundant but I assure you that's merely how small and dull it truly is.

It was a simple little farming town, barely enough coin from travelers to keep the Tavern In operation let alone any merchants of interest.

We start this little escapade into the unknown with an remarkably unremarkable person, here we see the protagonist of this little fable.

Cass, curly shoulder length red hair messed and matted from working the field, resembling more a bird's nest than a proper head of hair by most if not all standards.

Possibly the most remarkable thing about our beloved soon to be Hero, the eyes, one being the rich emerald green of the rolling hills. The other a deep blue resembling an ocean; Not a kind ocean, but one filled with turmoil and uncertainty just as Cass' life is soon to be.

The days were mostly routine, wake with the dawn gather the eggs and milk then work the fields, Cass' host's and employer's were kind folk they didn't have much but what they did they would share for naught but a hand around the farm they even let our Hero take shelter in the barn.

Pay was better than most along with room and board Abiah and Ade paid what they could spare in coin, simple and kind folk. However in these sorts of stories it is commonplace and unfortunately all but expected for these lovely people to meet with an unfortunate end and unbeknownst to them all this peaceful little existence would come to an end sooner rather than later.

But as in all good things that will come in time. Nothing good comes from a rushed tale, we must give these things time to breathe dear reader should we want the story to unfold proper.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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