There was this young boy name Tevin. He was 18 years old. He was looking for a relationship. So he decided to look on social media. As he was searching he found this pretty girl named Alisa. She was 19 but she was also Muslim. So he inboxed her and told her to hit him up so he gave her his number. So she approved of this and decided to text him
They began to like each other after a few weeks. So one day Tevin pops up with a question. Do you want to be with me and Alisa tell him yes. So that day they were officially together. Things were going so good.
5 months later Tevin asks Alisa if he could have her password to her Instagram and she gives it to him because she trusts him. So one day one of Alisa's close friends sends her a mesaage on Instagram which Tevin saw also and he did not approve of what they were talking about. Tevin asks Alisa a question that was involving the situation on Instagram and Alisa goes and lies in Tevins face and Tevin started to get heated and shows her the proof. Alisa explained why she lied and Tevin didn't want nothing to do with her. As she kept apologizing to him Tevin was tearing up because first he loved Alisa so much and then he hates liars. That whole day they were going back and forth and Alisa felt real bad.
The next day Tevin gave Alisa another chance. So but after that situation that happen Tevin wanted to know more about her pass. So Tevin began to do research and apparently he found out more information that she was hiding from him. So he brung it to her attention and he misunderstood on some of the situations but he didn't want to hear it. Alisa was trying to get his attention but he was so heart broken. All he could do was tear up. Tevin wanted to give Alisa so many chances but he wasn't sure yet.
2 Days after the situation Tevin and Alisa went back together. Things were going good until Tevin started going thro things in his life with , family and friends. So Tevin wasn't really talking to Alisa how he would usually be. He was real distance and she had to bring it to his attention. He didn't see it at first but he saw it and apologize for it. Alisa told him that he could come to her about whatever because Alisa was good in giving people advice. Alisa never gave up on him when he was going thro his problems. She was real patient with him ,but sometimes he would take it out on her and start to pull out all her faults and she didn't like it at all. So they wouldn't text for a whole day.
So the next day Tevin would apologize of how he acted and Alisa forgave him. So that night Tevin brung up marriage and Alisa was surprised but also happy and at one time Tevin told Alisa that he would become Muslim for her and so Alisa thought
So about two weeks After that Alisa went to her mothers house and told her about Tevin and she did not approve of the situation first because he wasn't Muslim and Alisa did not like that and Tevin didn't either. Tevin was hesitating on becoming Muslim because he was confused. So that night Tevin was real distance and told Alisa that something is always getting in the way and Alisa apologize of how her mother acted. So she wouldn't hear from Tevin the whole day and kept apologizing and Tevin said that they are going to go through with it and Alisa was happy to hear that from him.
That next night somebody said some harsh stuff to Tevin and Alisa wanted to kno what was going on. Alisa cared a lot about Tevin. She really loved him. But he didn't want to talk about it. She left it. At one point Tevin told Alisa the reason why he would make things work out between them Is because she made him happy and that brung a big smile to Alisa's face.
That day Tevin was being distance again and knowing Alisa had so much patience she wanted to give up but she wasn't going to. So after all of that of him being distance Tevin told her that he wasn't relationship ready and so Alisa looked surprised and told her that its not about no other girl either and she told him that she understood. He told her that he don't want her to be mad at him. So Alisa told him no she wasn't. She didn't want to show sher true feelings. He told her that he is not doing this to hurt her even tho it hurted her on the inside and that he will always care and be there for her which she thought that was a lie and so Alisa said it back to him. Which Alisa actually meant it because she always cared for him and always there for him. After that short conversation they didn't speak to each other for 3 days now. Alisa wants to text him but now she know its definitely to late to go back. The feeling for him is still there but its going to go away eventually. So now there just living single lives.