Chapter 1

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Hey everyonerally hope you like my first story. I know it might be kind of slow in the beginning but trust me, it will get better!!!


Lucy POV

"I think your gonna like it here." I heard my brother Nate mumble. I turn my head to face him. He was firmly grasping the steering wheel, and looking forward. I gave him a small smile.

"I hope so." I reply rubbing my eyes. It was dark outside. I glanced at the time in the car and it read 8:30. I was already getting pretty tired.

"You look different from the last time I saw you." He said while nudging my shoulder.

"What do you mean? Like good different or bad different?" I questioned giving him a weird look.

"Well both, I mean, you look a lot better than you did when you had braces and glasses. But bad because I know every guy at school will be drooling over you." He growls. It made me giggle.

"Well at least I have my older brother to protect me." I say giving him a cheesy smile.

"Yah, I guess."

I then turn around to look out the window. I place my hand gently on the cold window and sigh. All that was on my mind was would I like it here? Would the other wolves like me? As you can see I'm a pretty nervous person. Im not all that confident and strong. I would say im a shy person. Especially when it comes to guys. At my old school I was known as the ugly wolf, but ever since I shifted, everything changed about me. My dull brown hair turned to a dark lusterous brown. I mysteriously didn't need my glasses anymore, and I got rid of the braces. When I got back to school the next day, no one recognized me. They all stared in awe when I would walk down the hallway. It was weird, but I kind of liked it at the same time.

I then faced nate who was spacing out driving. "Whats your school like?" I ask titlting my head.

"Well I mean there are a fewe humans, but they don't know about us. Most of them are wolves from my pack." Nate said in a authorative voice. He was the alpha of the pack. HE became alpha when our father died.

I nodded my head. "Have you found your mate?" I asked knowing he probablly did.

"Yea, I did." He happily said. He gave me a smile small thinking about his mate. "Her name is Diana."

"Are you in love with her?"

"Of course." He said instantly. I always wanted to know what it would be like to find my mate. I wanna know what it's gonna feel like, and I wanna know who it is. "You'll like her. She kind of reminds me of you."


"Yah, she's stubborn like you." He laughed.

"Im not stubborn! When was I stubborn?" I yell throwing my hands in the air.

"All the time, when you said you didn't want to come here." he said frowing.

I didn't know what to say because I knew he was right.

"Well, Im glad I came now." I replied. I playfully puched my Nate in the arm like when we were kids.

He then grabbed his arm pretending it hurt. "Oww!"

"That didn't hurt!" I laugh.

"Yes it did!" He lied.

We went back to an awkward silence. I could tell we were close to the house now because we were driving in a neighborhood. I could feel my palms sweating from my nervousness. My heart was beating irreguraly, and I was breathing heavy. We then pulled into a driveway. I could barely see the house though because it was pretty dark out. As we got closer, I saw a huge house, more like a mansion! It was white, with red shudders. it was beautiful. My mouth dropped open. I could hear Nate laugh from the expression on my face.

"You live here?" I asked in shock.

"Yah." HE said proudly.

He then parked the car and turned it off. I watched him walk over to my side and opened the door for me. I stepped on and had my glued directly to the house.

"Do you like it?"

"Uhh yah kinda!" I laughed.

"Come one." He said grabbing my arm. He pulled me to the front door. I stood there for a moment waiting for him to open the door. As he opened the door, he grabbed my hand and walked me inside. It was beautiful. There were elegant paintings hung up everywhere, there was a small table planted directly in the middle of the room.There was a vase of red roses that smelled delightful.

"I want you to meet my mate Diana." He told me.

I nodded and followed him up the stairs. It felt like it took forever to reach the top. As soon as we reached the top, we took a right. And in the hallway was a very pretty girl standing by a door. I could see her light up as soon as she saw Nate. She made a small yelp and ran towards him. His arms opened wide for her as she jumped into his arms. I stood there awkwardly as they began to kiss. It was more like making out I should say. As he set her down, she smiled at me.

"Well you must be Lucy!" She screeched.

"Yeup thats me." I replied rubbing the back of my neck. I could tell she was a little nervous, because I just saw her making out with my brother.

"Well, your gonna like it here! Let me show you to your room." She said lifting her nose up in the air.

"Ok." I added. She grabbed my hand with force and tugged me along the hallway. It was a long hallway with a bunch of doors.

As we made it further along the hallway, she stopped instantly. Someone had opened their door and walked out directly in front of us.

"Really Aaron, put some damn clothes on..." Diana cried removing her grip from my hand. The man in front of us wasn't facing us at first. All that was covering him was a towel wrapped around his waist. My mouth was practically watering the sight of him.But I could tell something was different about him. His smell was intoxicating. The smell was wrapping around my insides with anticipation. As he turned around my heart stopped. He was gorgeous, his lips were dry and desperate for my lips. His chest was perctly mantained, his abs were exposed and I was craving to lay my hands on them.

"What, at least I have a towel on this time." He mocked. His eyes then moved to mine. And they stayed there. His blonde hair was messy and wet from the shower im assuming he just took. There was water dripping from his hair, which made my body ache for his. I bit my lip from the dirty thought I was thinking.

"Can you move, im showing Lucy to her room thank you!" Diana said pushing him out of the way. I followed close behind her. Without knowing, my arm lightly brushed his. I felt my whole body tingle.


I heard my wolf cry.

I could feel his eyes still on me as i walked away. I desperatly wanted to run back to him and wrap my arms around him.

Diana then stopped at the end of the hallway and unlocked the door. As we walked in, my mouth dropped once again. The bed was huge! It had light purple bedding and the walls were a light green color.

"Do you like it? because I wasn't sure what color you would like." She asked.

"Of course I like it!" I said happily. Diana then smiled and gave me a hug.

"Can I ask you question?" I said pulling away from here.


"Who was that guy with like no clothes on?"

"Ohh, that was Aaron, Nate's Beta." she grunted. I didn't like the sound of her tone.

"Do you not like him?"

"Ha, not really. He's what you would call a man whore. Everynight you would see a new girl walk into his room." She snarled.

My wolf growled at the sound of him being with any other girl. Of course the only guy that Im supposed to love and be with, is a guy who sleeps around and probablly a jerk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2012 ⏰

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