A New Friend

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Once upon a time, there was a dragon and a princess.

They lived in completely different worlds. He beat up bad people and had tons of fun with his freedom. She lived alone, wanting adventure. 

One day, the dragon stumbled upon a huge garden, where the princess sat with tears in her eyes. While the garden was huge and filled with many overwhelming smells, flowers blooming on bushes and trees and shrubs, his hearing focused on the small sobs of a small human. She sat in a small hunch under a tree, salty tears spilling down her cheeks.

What the dragon did was something he never thought he would do. He actually wanted to help instead of beating her up, and laugh like he would normally do. He walked towards her and gave her a sniff— she smelt like the flowers that were in the garden. She glowed so beautifully, his heart started to thump loudly with a quick pace. She was.. amazing. The tears in her eyes gave him a quick shocking pain to the heart.

What was this feeling? He kept thinking to himself, dumbfounded at what was going on with his emotions. He noticed the beautiful flowers surrounding her! She was as beautiful as those flowers.. He didn't want her to cry any more! Suddenly, the dragon wanted to teach her something new and he had to do it fast. Quickly, he grabbed the most prettiest flower and gave it to her, giving her a dorky smile that showed his scary, sharp teeth. He wasn't as heartless, now was he?

The princess, though surprised by the sudden appearance of this dragon and a little bit frightened of the scary teeth, took the flower with hesitant hands. She then laughed at him, taking the flower he had given her and setting it in the lap of her dress. He was a funny looking dragon that was for sure, but she liked having company. While she couldn't forget what her father had done to her, she wasn't oblivious to the feeling that he was uncomfortable with her crying and would much rather her be happy. That's what her brain was telling her, so she could be wrong.

Her hands balled up into small, chubby fists that began to rub her eyes clear of the tears. For a moment, the princess was just trying to clean up her face so it wouldn't be puffy and red. There were a few sniffles and she even went against her training to use her dress sleeves to wipe her nose and cheeks, but they wouldn't punish her too bad. Her caretakers were soft on the girl, especially since she was so alone in such a huge mansion.

Now feeling a bit better, the small girl peered down at the flower he'd given her then smiled. Gathering more flowers in her lap, her tongue stuck out in concentration while she decided which flowers to pick. Her lap was soon filled with colored flowers and green stems.

Patting the ground in front of her, she gave him a dorky smile in return to his own while the recent tears dried up. He was going to be her new friend, she decided, and she wanted to give him a gift. His heart fluttered as he watched her smile.

The shade of red close to that of the roses on the bushes started to cover his cheeks; he couldn't help but blush at her sweet smile. The dragon couldn't understand what was happening to him, and why he was feeling this, but he actually enjoyed this feeling. He wanted this moment to stay forever. This was what happiness feels like.

The dragon sat in front of the princess, afraid of what she might think of him. He was a dragon, he looked like a monster but he couldn't help but feel human around her. He knew it'd been a short time but he felt something inside, something that made him wonder... Is this what love at first sight is?

She paid no mind to him after she'd gathered her flowers. Her focus was soon on working with the stems for a flower crown, one of the things that the garden caretaker had taken taught her the last time she'd been at her mother's grave to put another handful of flowers over the cement. Her chubby fingers began to work as her forehead creased in concern and concentration towards her task at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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