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Eight years.

For eight years they've been best friends. They were inseparable, you could never get one without the other, stuck together like glue. Best friends for eight years, and Hwiyoung doesn't think he's ever met anyone so oblivious.

Not just oblivious to his feelings, feelings he's harbored since the eighth grade, but to the feelings of other boys as well. Don't get him wrong, he loved y/n, a little too much he might add, but Hwiyoung had finally reached his breaking point.

Today was the day, the day that Hwiyoung would confess to you. And, believe it or not, he was going to do it subtly. There was no way you'd have the same outcome of utter obliviousness with your best friend, right? He actually thought his plan was quite straight forward, but would you think the same? Well there's only one way to find out, Hwiyoung thought.

He snapped out of his thoughts, hopped off of his bed, and began his journey to y/n's house. Eight minutes later, he was walking up the steps that led to the apartment that you and your mother lived in. Hwiyoung rang the doorbell, expecting your mom to answer the door just as cheerful and upbeat as you would, but to his delightful surprise you answered with a bright smile plastered on your face.

"Hi Hwiyoung!"

He stared lovingly at you. Hwiyoung almost melted on the spot at the sound of his name coming from your mouth. Your voice alone sent the butterflies that had already formed in his stomach, into a frenzy. He wondered to himself, How does someone this amazing exist? As Hwiyoung continued to gawk at you, you cocked your head slightly to the right. Why was he staring at you? Is there something in your teeth? You self consciously ran your tongue over your teeth and welcomed your best friend into your apartment.

You started to lead him to your room where you two usually spent your time together, when Hwiyoung had noticed that your mother wasn't in her usual spot on the couch. The spot she was usually found reading a book in. He also noticed how the usual background noises of the dishwasher or the radio in the kitchen playing some boy group that he'd never heard of, were gone.

"Hey y/n?" he called to you.

"Yeah?" you answered from your room.

"Where's your mom?"

He had a fondness for your mother, especially since she happened to know of Hwiyoung's feelings for you.

"Oh," you poked your head out of your room into the hallway ", one of her friends is in town for the day, and she wanted to spend the day with her so she'll be gone for the day."

Luck is on my side today. Hwiyoung smiled to himself, and followed you into your room.
He just loved how cozy your room felt. From the white Christmas lights that hung above your headboard, to the purple lava lamp that sat on your desk. It all just seemed to scream you. The entire room was was all y/n, and Hwiyoung loved it. You plopped down next to your bed and hauled out a box full of video games for all sorts of consoles, some of which you didn't own the console for it.

"Okay Hwiyoung," you looked at him challengingly ", pick a game. Any game. i guarantee that I can and will kick your butt at it."

This is where Hwiyoung's plan bursts into action.

"Let's play Smash Bros." He was surprised how firmly he had said it.

You flinched a little at his sudden answer, but nodded back in agreement. You found Super Smash Bros Brawl with the rest of the Wii console games, nestled in between The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Mario Kart. You then crawled over to the console on the floor, turned it on, and slid the disc in. You grabbed two remote controllers, and handed one to Hwiyoung. On the home screen, you selected the game and clicked START.
Because he knew you loved the story mode, Hwiyoung let you watch the opening scene that had alot of scenes from the story mode. He even hummed along to the opening song, having it almost memorized since he has heard it so many times.

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