Paper boat

40 1 0

October 1988

Cindy sat on the Couch listening to her mom play a depressing song on the piano and the rain splashing outside Until her mother speaks up.

"Cindy, could you go and check on the boys for me dear?" She asks with a smile, she nods and walks upstairs.

When she walked into Bill's bedroom The two boys looked at her with a small smile, she returned it and sat down at a desk grabbing a piece of white paper and doodling on it.

Her Twin brother Bill was sitting up in his tissue covered bed wearing his pyjamas.

"Sure I won't get in trouble Bill?" Her youngest brother Georgie asked as he gazed away from the window to look at his brother.

Cindy already knew what Georgie was doing, He always Chased his paper boat when he was younger but stopped when mom and dad said that he wasn't allowed to anymore due to the disappearing kids.

"Don't be a wu-wu-wuss," Bill stuttered,"I'd come with you if I weren't dying."

Cindy rolled her eyes and walked over to her younger sibling.

"You're not dying!"Georgie Snapped.

"You didn't see the V-Vomit coming out of my nose this morning?" Bill dramatically questioned.

"I believe the real word for that is snot"she corrected with a smirk.

"That's Disgusting" Georgie mumbled.

Cindy knelt down and looked into Georgie's eyes with a smile.

"Don't listen to him, He's an idiot, Isn't he?" Cindy teased, they both laughed while Bill pretended to be offended.

"Alright go get the wax" Bill instructed.

"In the cellar?" Georgie worryingly asked.

"You want it to f-float don't you?" Bill Reminded.

"Fine." Georgie Huffed in defeat.

"Georgie boy, if you like I could get it for you?" Cindy asked with a closed smile secretly not wanting to do it. He smiles and nods.

Well, I'm fucked.

Bill smirks at his Twin sister knowing that she didn't want to do it. She cursed under her breath as she walked downstairs. She passed her mother playing that same depressing tune again.

She reached for the basement handle and turned it until the door opened, She walked downstairs heavily breathing. She heard water dripping from the ceiling which kinda freaked her out. She walked over to where the wax should be but got distracted when she heard silent whispers, she looks over to where they are coming from slowly but doesn't see anything, Cindy grabs the wax and runs up the stairs being careful not to trip because that would certainly lead to a monster grabbing her and eating her, She rolls her eyes at her mind.

She walks into Bill's room with a red face from running and hands the wax to him. She watched him Write 'SS GEORGIE' on the front with a grin, she loved her two brothers so much, And couldn't imagine herself being separated from them.

"Hot boat" Cindy chuckled

"There you go," Bill said while handing Georgie the New paper boat that he made, "Sh-Sh-She's already, Captain."

"She?" Georgie asked with confusion.

"You always call boats she," Bill explained

"She, thanks" Georgie thanked as he hugged his Older siblings, After hugging the siblings laughed at each other.

"See you later, bye!" Georgie shouted while running out the door, Cindy and Bill stood at the window watching their little brother run away after his boat.

"Be Careful" Cindy spoke into the Walkie-Talkie.

Bill put his hand on Cindy's shoulder with a reassuring look, "He'll be alright, d-don't worry." Bill said trying to make Cindy feel better. She sent him a smile and walked out of the room walking to her room to study, Little did she know that it would be the last words she spoke to her youngest sibling, Georgie.

A/N- First chapter!! I hope you guys enjoyed it so far! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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