The Timer

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Marinette was excited to start school. She had no concept of time yet so she didn't understand that her timer still had nine years on it. She was excited to meet her soulmate. When she walked into her kindergarten class and accidentally bumped into Nathaniel, her eyes widened. Nathaniel looked at his timer as Marinette looked at hers. They both sighed sadly because their timers hadn't stopped. That didn't stop Nathaniel from developing a crush on her even though she wasn't his soulmate. They both went to play but soon after Nathaniel bumped into a blonde little girl who yelled at him when she saw his timer had stopped, as had hers.

"No! You can't be my soulmate. Only Adrikins can be my soulmate!" She shouted at the red head. Nathaniel shook his head and ran to hide behind his new friend, Marinette. The two became instant friends. Kindergarten was interesting for all the children, to say the least. Most people had met their soulmates at the young age of five, but Marinette and her new friend's timers, Nino and Lê Chiên were still counting down after their first day at kindergarten.

It was the first day of high school and Marinette was getting impatient. Her timer was still running and now that she had a concept of time it frustrated her that there were still a few months on it. She was going to walk across the street to her school but before she could cross there was an older guy that was having difficulty crossing the street, and it didn't help that he was crossing at the wrong time. She helped him cross, destroying all the macrons that her dad had made for her class. Once the old man was safe she walked to school and went to her first class where she saw Nino, sitting at the front of the class for a change. She smiled at him and sat in the row behind him right as a girl with glasses walked in. Nino's head shot up with wide eyes, his timer had stopped. The girl also looked down at her timer and then back at Nino. She smiled.

"Hi." She said. Nino smiled at her.

"I'm Nino." He extended his hand to her.

"My name is Alya." She responded, shaking his hand.

"I didn't think my girl would be so beautiful." Nino flirted awkwardly, making Alya laugh. Alya proceeded to sit in the front row close to the window as Chloe walked in and slammed her hand on the desk Marinette was sitting at.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe said in a patronizing tone. Marinette groaned. "That's my seat!" Chloe added.

"But Chloe, this has always been my seat." Marinette countered.

"Not anymore!" Sabrina defended Chloe as she sat next to Marinette. "New school, new seats." She added.

"So why don't you just go and sit beside that new girl over there." Chloe pointed at Alya.

"Uhhh" Marinette seemed really confused.

"Listen. Adrien's arriving today and since that's going to be his seat," She pointed at the seat next to Nino's. "This is going to be my seat." She slammed her hand on Marinette's desk again. "Get it?" She slammed her other hand on the desk, hovering over Marinette.

"Uh who's Adrien?" Marinette asked. That question made Chloe and Sabrina laugh loudly.

"Can you believe she doesn't know who Adrien is?" She asked her friend Sabrina. "What rock have you been living under?" She asked Marinette.

"He's only a famous model." Sabrina explained.

"And I am his soulmate. He adores me. Ugh go on. Move!" Chloe complained.

"That's not true. I know who your soulmate is!" Marinette countered making Nathaniel sink into his seat. He didn't want to be her soulmate.

"Hey who elected you queen of seats?" Alya interrupted, by coming to Marinette's defense.

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