tsuakuro was on an hot sunny dyay and restign at the shrine
"h;ey tsubakr whats are you doing"
stsubakura look upto see terrifying senri priest TSURUBAMBAM
"omg hol;y shbit what are you diongn herer???"
"d on't f u c k i g n s w e a r "
"but you-"
tsurubami clear tyhroat
"i have come back to mugenr"
*suzumi cries in distance*
"i expect yuo to tell me whats goneing on!!!1"
tsubakura blush becuase tsur bami is close to them
tsubakura was blush harder, as tsubarmi had knee;led on her
"tell me"
tsurubami was getting closr
"do yuo want to ch acha"
to be continuud
nsh jk
tsubrami had gotten tsubak on bed
"hah hah i got yo"
tsubk was scare and breathe hevily
"no please"
"nya nya time"
and then they cahcha d while suzumi kills herself because now tsubakuras taken
(rate 11 out of 10 plz!!!!!!111)