Chapter One

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Gerard hated flying. Especially long flights. It was one of those things that seemed pointless to him. Why did anybody need to travel halfway across the world? Sight seeing? Culture? Okay, maybe those were nice. But he was content with living in the cloudy simplicity of New Jersey. Although apparently he now had to get out of his comfort zone and had to go on some crazy adventure. Joyous.

It had all started with Mikey. He had stumbled upon his quarter-life crisis, confused and lonely. So the introverted bookworm that was Gerard's brother decided to be 'extreme', as their mother had put it, and venture off to some European country. The kid went backpacking across Europe, with only his knowledge of high school French and a few other sentences in other languages, his life savings and all the courage he could muster. Six months later, Mikey Way was engaged to some pretty Belgian girl. Gerard couldn't have been more confused.

So now Gerard had to fly across an ocean for the marriage of his brother and his fiance. He chuckled as he packed his bags, lifting a postcard his brother had sent him. It was of him, visiting Amsterdam, a wide smile on his lips and laughter in his eyes. Strands of brown hair waved across the picture, wind blowing them in front of the lens. They probably belonged to the person who took the picture, Mikey's fiance.

Gerard returned to packing his bags, running a pale hand through his vibrant red hair. Scanning through his bags, he checked that everything was in place and ready to leave for the airport in the early hours of the morning. He went over the list, making sure he didn't forget something vital, mouthing the items as he mentally checked them off.

Camera... Check.

Sketchbook... Check.

Money... Check.

Laptop... Check.

Clothes to last a week....... Check.

Gerard was travelling light, only taking a small suitcase, now packed, and a side bag to carry next to him. It was only supposed to carry his headphones, his passport, documents and plane ticket, a small snack and another sketchbook, but he ended up stuffing it with various objects, including two water bottles and a sudoku book, as well as a few comic books.

By the time Gerard was done packing, it was only 6 pm. He decided to go to bed early, given that he had to wake up at 4 am, and changed into an old band tee and boxers. Climbing into bed, he thought about Mikey's wedding. He never exactly what gender his brother was into, and he was mildly surprised at the news of his bride-to-be. Gerard himself swung both ways, so he liked to think that he'd seem welcoming if his brother showed an interest in men.

Gerard fell asleep to the thought of stubbly guys and girls with tattoo sleeves, dozing off as light shone through his small New Jersey apartment.

The alarm blasted out of the slim black phone, filling the room with an obnoxious ringing and pissing Gerard off. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his hazel eyes and failing miserably. He swung his knees onto the floor, almost tripping over his tangled sheets in the process.

He stood up, pulling a towel from a chair and telling himself that a shower would wake him up and he could get some coffee at the airport.

Fifteen minutes of a warm shower with occasional jets of freezing water later, Gerard walked into his room, pulling on a shirt and made his way to the old-fashioned kitchen. Pattered tiles splattered with oil lined the walls and countertops, their lighter designs faded away to a light beige. Gerard absentmindedly pulled open the fridge, reaching for something before hastily shutting it back closed. He could wait until the airport, he didn't want to travel with a full stomach. But he shoved a few granola bars into his bag, for later on the flight.

Gerard ran a hand through his firetruck red hair, trying to hail a cab. He had to be at the airport in 20 minutes, and he was beginning to feel stressed. Finally, a small yellow taxi pulled up to the curb, and a short, tanned man stepped out and opened the trunk for Gerard's suitcase.

Stepping into the cab, the taxi driver turned to Gerard.

"Where to?" he asked, a slight Iranian accent woven into his words.

"Just the airport," Gerard responded, his smile turning into a yawn.

"Early flight, huh?" the taxi driver said. Gerard wondered what the man's sleeping patterns were, given how awake he was at 4:30 am.

"Yeah," he said, yawning again.

The rest of the ride was silently peaceful. He had fallen asleep for the twenty minutes of driving. He taxi driver awoke Gerard, gently tapping on his shoulder and gesturing him out of the cab. Gerard paid the man and walked into the airport, bag swung over his shoulder and headphones plugged into his ears. Pushing open the door, he sighed as he realized how crazy this trip really was.


Hi! I'm Sofia, this is the first I've started to publish and I hope you like it!

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