Chapter 45

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Harper's POV
Hawaii is great. We love it here. The boys released 8 Letters and we're listing to it none stop. Right now we're screaming it and probably annoying everyone. "WHY IS IT SO HARD TO SAY?" We all sang, well screamed. I turned the song off and flopped on my bed. As you can imagine everyone else flopped on top of me. "S-stop I cant    b-breathe." I managed to get out and they got off me. "So what are we doing today?" Bella asked.
"Um beach?" Avery replied and we agreed to go in a bit.
Allie came to me with my phone. "You have a text from mr Seavey." She said smiling.
"Thanks. Please can I have my phone?" I said smiling back and she gave me my phone. I opened up the texts and replied to Daniel or 'Mr Seavey💙' as it said on my phone.
Daniel POV
Me-Hey. How's Hawaii?
Miss Hart💖-hello. It's great, we were just screaming 8 letters😂.
Miss Hart💖-how's tour?
Me-it's amazing. It's so nice seeing all the fans and performing.
Miss Hart💖-I'm glad you're enjoying it
Me-well it would be better with you
Miss Hart💖-I'm sorry we can't come to a show but I'll see you soon
Me-ok. I look forward to it.
Miss Hart💖-so do I. But you need to get some sleep.
Me-ok mom
Miss Hart💖-yeah yeah whatever
Me-ok night
Miss Hart💖-night x

I really need Harper to meet my parents, after all we've been dating for about three months. I know my family would love her. Maybe they can meet on thanksgiving or something like that. I'll text her in the morning, right now I'm going to sleep.

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