Cell 15

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I ran till i couldnt breath...untill all i saw was farm land.I knew i was far when i could feel the dead rough grass on my bare feet.the hospital uniform was now a off white color from the dust that had been kicked up from me running and the revolting air from the wild and farmed animals.I took in my first deep relaxing breath,it had been 4 days out of the asylum or institute what ever one fits this casle of the insane but the thing was that....i was fine.Maby i little off but not all those words that were on my file......the file that i had tucked in my uniform.I started to come up on just the place i was running to or retreating to you can also call it.I walked right in not afraid of anything cause there was nothing for miles other then the institute,i walked right to the sink and turned on the rusted cold water nob it turned on and the water poured out,i hoped in my mind again and twisted the warm water nob that screaked and made a horribal noise but after i unclenched my hands from my ears i let the warm water drip from my hand.Now i looked for a shower and sure enough there was a small shower a little dirty but i had to get the dust from the land and the bleach smell of of me before it made me even more mad.I then slipped of the uniform being careful of the file and the lighter i had took from the frount desk ismirked at how clean i was with stealing back my stuff from that hospital. I chuckeled at myself as i climed into the shower,believe me it was long before i finally smelled like something other then bleach and dust.I stood there for a while letting the luke warm water run across my body,i took another deep breath of moist air and could smell the soft clean scent of something other then bleach.i smiled to my self not knowing how much more freedom i had.....hours......days....months.....years maby forever,but i took this moment and made it last long.I looked down at my hands they had obsorbed enough water for now, i slid out of the shower and fastly put my clothes on....maby it was just my talent of taking my atuff back but it really wasn't that hard to steal back my clothes that I had tookin away from me when I first enter the asylum, with the bin clearly named "emily housin" it was a breez to take it back when hira had to be took to the back of the institute,everyone was so worried about hira that i could quickly go to the back and steal back my stuff,eat and escape.The bed wasnt bad,it wasnt like my fluffy bed at my home nor was it like the hard metel framed one at the institute.I layee on it slowing,but all in all it wasnt bad becuase i fastly drifted away.I could only hear water being slowly poured into a cup,and then a "clink" noise.....the "helping" pills hit the counter as the daily rountine countinued.They came at me, i still couldnt see for some reason,i couldnt make sense of any of it not even who they were or....who o was.I woke with a jolt i quickly rubbed my eyes and clearly looked around the room only too see the small old shed house.

***I hope you liked it next one should come super soon,i would love votes and comments***

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