A Hazy Day

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          Prologue: You know those sort of prologues that don't affect the story whatsoever? Yeah, this is one of those. I wrote this short story in memory of a spider named Spidey. Spidey became one of the beloved characters that my friends and I enjoy to talk about and share to others, alongside Grapey the Grape. The true event occurred at a gym in a high school orientation. The sky was also very hazy due to large fires in California during the event. I hope that you enjoy the tale of Spidey!

               Early in the morning, Spidey wakes up from a long nap in the dimly lit gym. The gym consisted of two bleachers across from each other, and large see through panels that covered the wall. She stretches her wiry legs outward, and begins to check her beloved eggs. Spidey, satisfied with her check, sleepily crawls out of her web. Light creeped through the tiny crevice beneath the door, blinding Spidey as she skittered towards it. After squeezing under the door, Spidey was greeted with the murky sky and the towering Pride Rock. She decided to visit one of her webs to see if she caught anything.
In the spiky bush, Spidey climbed up, and up until she reached the top. Spidey looked around for any bugs to eat. Suddenly, a human walked up to the gym door and opened it. The gym lights turned on, illuminating the glossy floor and folded bleachers. Then, more humans arrived, carrying what appeared to be enormous tables.
The clinks and clanks startled Spidey, who shrank back down into the dry shrubbery. She looked at the gym entrance behind a leaf, hoping to not be noticed. Spidey knew how dangerous humans were. They stepped on almost all of her relatives, and once kidnapped one of her childhood friends. Although there were times where humans would run away from her, allowing her to escape. This, Spidey thought, was hilarious. How could she, a daddy long leg spider, be scary to something as large as a human?
          As the crashes and bangs grew louder, a wave of fear washed over Spidey. What if the humans destroyed her lovely home and killed her beloved eggs? Her web was in one of the corners of the bleacher. Humans could easily destroy it by just sitting down! Spidey dropped down the bush on a homemade zip line, and scuttled across the concrete towards the gym.
Spidey crawled to the folded bleacher and searched for her web. Across from her was an unfolded bleacher, which started to be filled by hundreds of humans. Relieved to be away from humans, Spidey crept around the bleacher and looked at the corner. Nothing. Spidey crept to the other side of the bleacher. Nothing. Nothing but dust! The fact that she crawled to the wrong bleacher had just dawned on her. Horrified, Spidey began crawling towards the other bleacher. All around her were shoes, and more shoes which were all stomping around the place. Spidey dodged to the left, and to the right, zigzagging through the humans. Then, the stomping stopped. In front of her was a large area of empty floor. Most of the humans sat down in front of the crowded bleacher.
       This is my chance! Spidey thought.
            Spidey raced towards the crowded bleachers. Perhaps she could squeeze pass the sitting humans. She would be at risk, but her beloved eggs mattered most. Spidey charged at the humans. Most of them didn't notice her, until one human who wore glasses pointed her out. The humans that surrounded her began to scoot away. Spidey felt even more confident. She kept going towards her web until...  Splat! A shoe from out of nowhere squished Spidey. The surrounding humans witnessed Spidey's demise. Some of the humans actually felt sad for Spidey, however many were relieved that Spidey was gone.

       And that, my friends is the sad tale of Spidey's demise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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