Episode 1. The party is begining

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I was the new in school i was nervous..So i was walking and then i watch a Cute girl with red hair

-Hi my name is melod...


-No.*i close my eyes slowly*

-SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO BE LOVED??*cries*sorry i ....am jenn*runs*

I was scared to her...I dont know why  she says me that...anyway..Walking again i crash with a guy and his girlfriend..

-Sorry..*i watch his face and ta daa i get in love,but wait...he have girlfriend* i am melody

-Nahh dont worry...i am Jhon and this Lovely girl is my girlfriend Kim

-*She hugs me*Hi!! do you want to sit with us??



While we walk to class i was thinking about jenn.

-Hey guys do you know about jenn??

-No,we heard about she but we dont know..

I was distracted by a poster next to the board "Two days and the grand party begins!!" FINALLY the class was ended and i go to the bathroom...Then i see the mirror with a lot of blood "the party is begining baby".....

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