What Am I to You?

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The sound of dishes clinking together and the wonderful smell of breakfast cooking itself filled the small house that sat on the edge of a lake. Namjoon rubbed his eyes and walked with heavy feet down the wobbly stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hurry up, eat!" Namjoon's mother was nagging him for oversleeping. She wiped her hands on her skirt and grabbed a few plates of food and set them in front of the bumbling teen.

Joon reached for a sugary drink sitting on the table, heartedly named "Unicorn Juice", but before he could grab it, Joons mother grabbed the drink away and starting nagging him about His sugar intake. Namjoon sighed and began to eat his breakfast.
He quickly looked up when his mom placed a orange drink next to him instead.

Namjoon gagged.

"I'm not drinking pumpkin juice," Namjoon said as he pushed the drink away.
The tired mom placed her hands on her hips and glared at the boy.

"Mom!" A higher voice yelled from outside the house; the mother looked up.
"I found a muggle animal!" Namjoons sister, Namyeong, was proudly holding a small animal that Joon recognized as a crab in front of their open window. Namjoon shot up in his seat and ran toward the window, hoping to hold the rare animal.

"Go get dressed!" Namjoons mother grabbed at the back of his collar of his pjs and redirected him toward the stairs before he could get to the crab. "And put that nasty thing down!" She scolded Namyeong.

Namjoon looked down and remembered he was still in his pajamas. He quickly ran up the stairs, realizing they were going to be late to the train station.

"Can we eat it?" Joon faintly heard his sister asking. He laughed a bit.

Joon quickly pulled off his pjs and got into newly bought robes. He took a look at himself in the mirror before turning to his door. This was his fourth year attending Hogwarts, his prefect badge pinned to his robes every year. If there was one thing Nmajoon was proud of, it was his "prefect streak" his sister called it. He had been a prefect for his house, Ravenclaw, for the past three years he had gone to Hogwarts, and he was a prefect this fourth year too. He was the top of his class for every class. Well...every class except potions. A stupid slytherin had been beating him in potions every since day one. Namjoon had taken it upon himself this year to study hard over the break so he could finally beat that idiot.

Just as Namjoon opened the door, a package flew through the window in and hit him in the back of the head.
He yelped out and grabbed the back of his head, glaring at the package. He recognized the owl who had sent it and his mood immediately switched to pure joy.

"Seokjin!" Namjoon grabbed the package and ripped it open.

He was confused to see a leather book that had "TEAR" engraved on the front cover. He flipped it around in his hands a few times before opening and reading the letter that came with the package.

Dear Namjoon,

Hello joon! I hope my brain dead owl finds you before you leave to the station. Knowing you, you probably are running late.

Namjoon laughed

Please don't open the book until we meet in the train! Because I know you are a curious person, I'll give you a hint of what it is.
Its a secret so don't tell anyone!
The book will help you beat that pesky Slytherin, Min yoongi, at potions! Then you can be the top of all of your classes.
Don't open it until we meet in the train!! I want to make a copy of the book.
If you open it, I'm going to kill you.

See you soon
-Kim Seokjin

Namjoon opened the book.
He quickly regreted his decision when a howler flew out of the book and began yelling in his face.

"Kim namjoon!!! You directly disobeyed my orders!! I ought to take the book back, ah really, you can't wait thirty minutes? You'll regret that!!!"
Namjoon stumbled back and dropped the book so he could cover his ears. The yelling practically shook the whole house.

"What was that?" namjoons mother yelled from downstairs.

"Nothing, mom!" Joon grabbed the book and the letter and hurriedly shoved it in his trunk that was still open and half packed.


"We're going to be late and it's your fault!" Namyeong slapped Namjoon with her school books as the family speed walked to the train station. Every year, Hogwarts had a special platform, platform nine and three quarters, open at the Kings Cross train station. You had to run through the wall that sepreated platform nine and ten, but it was only open for a short amount of time. If you were late, you wouldn't go through the wall. You would just smash into it.

"This is my first year at hogwarts and it's already going wrong" Namyeong rambled on.
Namjoon rolled his eyes and began to walk faster, began late suddenly being an actual worry creeping in his mind.

He watched as muggles passed him and pushed his luggage cart with a but nore force, suddenly feeling anxious.

"Its here," Namjoon said as they got to platform nine.

The family found the wall and stopped, they had about five minutes left to spare. Namjoon breathed easily knowing he would make it.

"Alright, kids," Mrs. Kim reached forward and gave both of them too-tight hugs before nodding at both of them with a smile.
Namyeong took a deep breath and steadied herself. Then she ran toward the wall and safely merged through it. Namjoon looked over and noticed his mother, a short and plump lady who was very tough, had tears pricking her eyes. Namjoon gave her another hug.

"I'll write to you, mom," he said softly. His mother nodded quickly and bobbed her head to the wall. Time was running out.
Namjoon gave her one last hug and pushed his cart holding his luggage toward the wall, and in a flash he was through the wall and at platform nine and three quarters.

Namjoon opened his eyes and smiled. Animals were flying everywhere and wizards were saying goodbye to their parents and boarding the train.

"Joon," Yeong walked toward Joon and grabbed his hand, she was scared.

"Follow me," Joon said certainly.

He began walking, with his sister's hand in his, toward the train. A worker in the train grabbed their carts and ran off with them toward the end of the train where luggage was stored. Namjoon said a quick thank you to the bell boy and looked around for Seokjin as the two siblings walked to the train. They always met in the same compartment, but he still looked for jin, just in case. Joon didn't see him, so he assumed he was already in the compartment.

Namjoon and Namyeong went through the doors of the train and began walking through the narrow corridors of the train.

"Namyeong!" A few girls from a compartment whispered. Yeong made eye contact with them and the girls made gestures with their hands for her to join them.

The girls were a few childhood friends that used to live next to them before the Kim family had to move away from wizard villages due to a muggle fraud committed by the kim siblings father.

Namjoons sister gave him a side hug before joining the girls. Namjoon waved to her before quickly walking to compartment 123434. There weren't that many compartments, but whoever had numbered the compartments messed up royally. There was even a 333 compartment, which no one sat in.

He opened the door and smiled.

"Seokjin!" He was about to speak, but his eyes caught something across the seat. A person.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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