I: Purpose

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There are several qualities that are helpful in climbing the tower. Cleverness. Strength. Bravery. Luck. Each regular has a reason for entering, a tactic that they use, and a goal to strive for. But who ever said that a regular has to be brave, strong, and smart? Isn't it enough if they simply want it and are willing to persist?

...Apparently not. The tower is not a welcoming place for the unskilled; this is the lesson that Wangnan Jah learned too late as he heard the loan sharks knocking on his door once again. Before the twentieth floor, he could climb the tower using his own means, able to try again if he failed. But on this forsaken floor of hell, he lived in constant fear of the capitalistic system that threatened to take his kidneys if he couldn't pay them back. What a way to live. Is this what being an E-rank regular will be like? Or is this a final barrier I must pass before I can have the opportunity to realize my dream of climbing this tower successfully?

Wangnan wasn't alone in his plight. The 20th floor was swarming with desperate travelers, all at the mercy of Lurker and Hirahara, all trying to be the one to move up and leave others beneath them. Many would give up, take a year off from climbing that would turn into a decade, terrified of returning to their lingering debt when they decide to continue their journey. Unluckily for Wangnan, he had gone too far now to make that decision. Who knows how many chances he had before Lurker Cash would give up on him and sell his organs? No. I won't ever give up, not until I die... If I even have a choice in the matter.


"Screw this fucking tower anyway!" Rika exclaimed, sitting down in the seat her friends had been saving for her, if she were to return after failing her test. Which, to no surprise, she did.

Shin Ae smiled knowingly. "Bish, if I were you I would have given up a long time ago. I'm not about to get myself involved in this loan shark shit."

Rika sighed. "Not everyone is as lazy as you, Shin Ae," she ignored her friend's retorts and continued, "I thought because of who my father is, this was supposed to be easy."

"It's true, on this floor, unfairness is the shtick," Shin Ae huffed. "I bet every Hirahara that inevitably comes through here gets a free pass. That's life, we aren't all dealt a good hand."

Maya rolled her eyes. "Wow. That was deep. You guys have fun with all that, I'm perfectly happy staying here, on the floor I was born on, going to parties and picking up gossip and doing what I want without all the pressure. You know, like a teenager."

Rika thought for a moment. "Doesn't that get boring though? Always seeing people come and go, falling victim to the rich and the strong."

"Doesn't it get boring throwing sticks around?" Maya retorted. "And besides, that's why I make friends with people who I know will give up. Don't even argue - Just look at Shin Ae."

"Are you calling me a lost cause? I -" she shut her mouth. Am I a lost cause? Really, do I ever plan on climbing the tower again? Shin Ae knew that Maya was right, but she still didn't appreciate the insults. After coming all this way and sacrificing so much, it wasn't that she didn't want to continue. She just didn't have a reason to, especially with all the obstacles blocking her way. In her time of need, Mr. Sim Han had adopted her, and one could say that she owed him her life. And now that she had friends, and a father, and at least some form of security, why would she want to leave all of that?

"Uh, girl, you kind of cut off mid sentence," Maya snickered. "Watchu thinkin' about?"

"I just don't..." Shin Ae hesitated. "I don't know why I'm climbing the tower. I don't understand why I was chosen to become a regular when I never really had a goal. Why would I leave my old life for this?"

To her left, Rika chimed in. "I understand. This is what my parents wanted for me, and I get that, but what's the point if I can't really strive for my own goals? Sometimes I feel like I'm caught in the shadow of my father, living my life for his wishes, and I never even met him. But girl -", she took hold if Shin Ae's wrist, "Who gives a shit? It's fine to not know yet, to never really know, or if your desires change over time. Maybe the reason you're climbing... is just for that. To find out who you are and where you're going."

Shin Ae looked at her, sarcastically feigning shock. "Wow, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I'm sooo moved." She snatched her wrist away. "But maybe you're right. I guess what I'm searching for is a purpose. That's enough reason to climb, isn't it? To just want to be in a position where I know what the hell I'm doing?"

They were silent for a moment. "...Well, anyway, can we quit blabbing about this tower garbage and eat already?" Maya asked, rolling her eyes on account of her inability to relate to these regulars. "The WacNuggets are on me."

"This is literally the only reason why I'm friends with you."


Ftwang. Ftwang. Ftwang.

"You're improving."

Still holding the spears, Yeong-Gi turned to his brother in the doorway. "Kousuke. What's it to you?" he grumbled.

"I apologize if I have caused a disruption in your focus. However, I do not see how there is an issue with my concern for a teammate."

Ftwang. The younger brother didn't reply.

Kousuke cleared his throat. "In any case, Nol, prepare yourself for the test tomorrow. We will be departing at seven in the morning."

At this, he finally had the spear-bearer's full attention. "But why? Why are you being so eager like this?"

"I do not understand your wording. We have something to accompli -"

Yeong-Gi interrupted, throwing down his spears. "No, I don't understand you," he huffed. "Doesn't your father own this floor? What the hell are you trying to prove by advancing so quickly? Don't pretend as if you haven't used his help before. If I had the kind of privilege that you do, I'd sure as hell be taking advantage of it, especially here."

"Do tell me where you obtained the courage to speak to me in such a manner. I have achieved everything for our team by my own doing thus far, so there is no reason to accuse me otherwise. And even if father were to offer me assistance, I would refuse. All this so-called 'privilege' that I possess comes from our shared side of the family, so it is quite ridiculous to insinuate -"

"Bullshit! Are you calling me lazy? Or that I'm not good enough to inherit the talents of Tu Perie?"

"Kindly refrain from interrupting me. If I may offer an opinion, I would say that you are the one wasting your privilege by choosing to be a spear-bearer. I, however, am living up to our family legacy and doing well with it."

"I didn't choose to be a spear-bearer, it's who I am and there's nothing disgraceful about it! I don't care about the expectations of someone who is so proud of his birthright yet won't even use the last name of Tu Perie."

"Hirahara is my father's name. He raised me and I hold him in high regard for it. My last name does not dictate the decisions I make whilst climbing the tower. A name is simply a name."

Yeong-Gi smiled. "Yes, and I was raised by a lower-class relative of my father because yours didn't want me. Is that what you want my last name to be? Lower-class? Useless? Not-Hirahara? Piece-of-Shit perhaps?"

"I cannot comprehend why you would want to be called by such phrases, but whatever pleases you."

"Get out of my room, Kousuke," Yeong-Gi demanded, still smiling. "I will be prepared for tomorrow morning, take my word for it."


The next morning, Alyssa was the first one to be waiting in the living room of their accommodations. Spotting her boyfriend, she stood to kiss him on the cheek. "Good morning, babe. Ready for today?"

Yeong-Gi's smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Of course."

At exactly seven o'clock, when the whole team had gathered, Kousuke took the last sip of his black coffee and addressed them. "Shall we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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