Chapter 46

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We got changed for the beach and were getting ready to go. "Come on let's go!" I shouted to Bella and Star. "Ok we're coming!" Bella shouted and then came out. Star was hopping while putting her shoe on. "You know we would have waited for you to put a shoe on." I said to her.
We arrived at the beach and it was beautiful. "Well isn't this lovely." Allie says as she put her hands on her hips.
"Isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful!" Avery and I sang together.
The beach was great but it was over soon. It got dark quite quick. Time really does fly by. We walked in the hot air of the night back to our hotel. "Ugh! Why is it still hot in the night." Bella moaned.
"Oh god we have to sleep in this." Allie said.
"Allie we don't have to sleep outside." Star said.
"No way!" Allie said sarcastically.

We laughed and joked the rest of the way home. We had showers and got changed. "Good night!" I said to them all and I got four other 'good nights' after. I actually fell asleep pretty quickly even thought it was boiling. I love it in Hawaii but I still love L.A. This has been a fun day.

H.I.S~Daniel Seavey (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now