Black Starr

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'What sort of a name is Black?' pondered the teenage mind of Black Starr.

If she ever met her parents she was sure she would have a lot to tell them about their christening skills.

She herself had no trouble admitting that she was creepy. Very. Apparently that did not stop bullies from picking at her. But the creep factor stopped her from having friends.

'Yes of course I'm a creep, my own parents found me too creepy to keep' Shee continued in her mind.

This had to stop she was going crazy..

'Alright' she thought 'how do I make people find me less creepy?' She looked into the mirror and sighed at what looked back at her. Her reflection sighed back in turn. No doubt she was creepy. No wonder she had no friends. She was truly a sight to see. Skinny. Pale. Black hair. Unnervingly black-eyed.

'Black named' she said in her head 'O.K maybe wearing something other than black would make me look a little less scary'

She stalked from the mirror to her wardrobe and pulled out a suitcase from the bottom. These were clothes which were gifted to her on different occassions by the people from the orphanage. Somehow all of them always gave her clothes. Maybe they thought she needed them. She pulled out a white T-shirt and a pair of denim jeans.

That would have to do. It was her maximum. Seriously. Time to go to school. She sighed and changed into the clothes and picked up her bag. She climbed down the stairs at a snail's pace efficiently wasting a good five minutes in these processes.

Shee made it sadly in time for breakfast. Orange juice, Bread with whatever you can find to have it with and a mars bar.

This went above standards. Truly.

There was the honking of a bus and all children started leaving. Black took her time but school was inevitable.

She sighed again and left toast in hand.

Black StarrWhere stories live. Discover now