Confession Of A Killer

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It was drizzling when I walk out of the house; I had coffee and a cake from starbust which is 2 km away from where I live. The girl in starbust had a beautiful smile and she said

"Have a nice day"

"You as well"

Soon I pick my balance and started walking, while I was leaving starbust the drizzles were getting stronger, I can see people all around walking and driving their busy lives. Everything seems normal for me, I saw the same faces I used to see. The old pal from hector building misses the bus as always. The girl still got 20 flower bouquets left to sell. Amanda was reading, hopefully, she will finish it today.

My name is Rayan and I work for the Atlanta Police Department. Today is going to an important day for the people here, but even today starts off as a perfectly normal day like yesterday. It was my 25th day as police, and today some serious complicated thing is waiting for me.

The entire city was waiting to hear a news about the birthday killer, in the beginning, the killer was known by that name. A series of murders have happened in Atlanta, which scared the people like hell, there were no clues no suspects and no trace. I call her the perfect killer. The victims have suffered a lot, they were brutally murdered. No man in this world should have such a fate, even our enemies should die peacefully. I wasn't sure where those people were innocent but may still their souls rest in peace.

Robert Livingstone, a police officer aged 73, was murdered on January 25 on his birthday. He was a kind person with clear police records. No crimes were charged against him on or off records. The murder of Robert shocked the entire city. There was no sign of robbery. The victim's body was found on the kitchen floor. The victim was injected with some kind of poison which makes his body dead, but still, his mind works perfectly. Then the killer spread on honey all over his body and leaves the rest for ants. The time of death was between 7 and 11 pm. During this 4 hours, the victims have suffered a lot. He was awake while the ants were eating him alive. He can't scream or move his body.

Detective Rachael and Morgan started the investigation after two days of murder, Rachael was a very talented officer. She had solved many cases in her career including homicides. Morgan used to assist her. In the beginning, there was no progress in the case as the killer doesn't drop out any clues. The investigation was hopeless until the second murder happened on February 25th.

Michael Francis a 70-year-old, he wasn't a public figure people hardly knew him. Like Robert, he was also single. He spent most of the time in his apartment. The only place he visits is the church. The murder was exactly a Xerox copy of the first one the only difference was the killer used rats instead of ants here. The killer wants the death to happen quickly.

Later it was found out that the victim died on his birthday as the first. These points lead to suspect the presence of a serial killer. The media soon described him as a serial killer. They even gave him a name The Birthday killer. The entire city started freaking out especially those who are having birthdays on 25th.

Rachael and Morgan were having a tough time, the killer was too smart and he doesn't leave a clue. The only thing Rachael was sure about is on March 25th another murder will happen. The police called all those people who were born on March 25th and given them special protection. They sorted the list in giving preference to the victims. The police have tried their best to stop another murder.

Rachael strongly believes that a serial killer is doing this, she tried to convince Morgan and her boss Garry Chalk. Due to the circumstance and evidence, they go for suspecting the serial killer. Rachael tried hard to find some connection between the 2 victims.

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