Information about this Universe thing

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So this is an idea I came up with when I went to the therapist not too long ago, so basically this is just something for me to do to make myself feel better and fill up my time and what not. So I guess I should explain my idea behind this whole idea thingy:

So like, my idea was 'What if there were monsters/people with abnormalities that the government takes to do experiments on to learn more about them?' and that's pretty much the whole idea behind this thing.

Right now I have 7 character ideas in the making right now, 2 'completed', 4 design completed, and 1 started but not at all completed. I would love to add more characters and stuff but I am terrible at coming up with ideas. So this is basically all that I want to say. ON TO THE CHARACTERS???????

Monster Universe Character thingWhere stories live. Discover now