Chapter 1 - Who is that?

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*Louis POV* I woke up to the sound of trucks outside , I glanced over at my clock and groans , 8am , who the fuck wakes up at 8am. I get out if bed and look in my mirror, I put in my lip piercing and run my slender fingers through my hair , I walk downstairs and look at my mum who was in the kitchen , "Good morning Honey!" She says way too over enthusiastically , I grunt in return and pick up my baby sister Doris , I loved my siblings all 6 of them but my mum and I never saw eye to eye , we would fight on a daily basis but she would be sweet in the morning and not so sweet in the evening .

I sit little Doris in the high hair next to her twin brother Ernie and I smile , "what's going on outside?" I ask and she smiles "we have new neighbours and I invited them over for breakfast so go wash up and change, cover those tattoos up" she says , my mum was never fond of my tattoos or piercings , she didn't talk to me for 2 weeks when I got my first tattoo. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs , I took a shower and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a tank top that showed off all of my arm tattoos just to piss my mum off .

As I walked down I heard 2 unfamiliar voices and and sighed as I saw a lady about my mums age sitting at the table with a Boy maybe a couple of years younger than myself , I sat down at the table across from and said nothing, "Louis say hello" my mum says and glares at me , I rolled my eyes and mumbled a "hi" , I looked over at my two baby siblings and fed them a spoonful of baby food and thanked my sister when she took over , I looked up at the curly haired emerald eyed boy , "I like your tattoos " he smiled , "uh thanks " I said and looked at the flower crown on top of his head , the boy smiled at me , I felt uncomfortable with his gaze constantly on me , after 30 minutes I got up "I'm going to hang out with Zayn for a while " I said and as I approached the door before my mum spoke up "Louis take Harry with you , show him the town and meet your friends " she said. The boy stood up which I guessed was Harry , I groaned and walked out to my car , as I got in Harry got in the passenger seat.

*Harry POV*

I smiled widely as I got in Louis' car, I asked him about himself in which he replied with his full name and age , I began to tell him about me , his face stayed blank until I said two works "I'm Gay" , his face grew a little angry and he stopped the car , "get out" he growled , "what? Why? " I asked and smiled , "GET OUT OF MY CAR YOU QUEER" he yelled , I quickly stumbled out of his car and shut the door , I watched as his car sped off down the road , I sighed and walked back to the house we can from , when I was asked why I'm back I lied to my mum and Louis' mum so he wouldn't get in trouble "I don't feel well" I lied and sat down . I sigh and look at the floor , why does he hate me? I ask myself.

(AN, sorry if it's bad or boring, sorry if it's short , message me with anything you think could be an improvement on it, and if you are reading this story, thank you )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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