Chapter 47

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Harper's POV
We went out to another beach today. We were walking along and talking. "Um don't look now but Gabbie is behind you." Avery said. I immediately looked behind me. "I said don't look!" Avery whisper shouted.
"What's she doing here?" Star asked.
"I don't know,"Bella answered "why don't we ask." She said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes at her. "I think we might have to get our phones out." Allie said. "Honestly it's hard to keep up with this girl. She just wants to ruin things because she's dating Daniel." She said again.
"Agreed." Bella said.
Gabbie walked up to us and I saw the girls get their phones out. We were by a little shop and she walked up to us. She grabbed onto my top and pushed me into the wall. Ouch, that hurt. "What do you want Gabriela?" I asked her.
"Don't call me Gabriela. I want you to break up with Daniel." She spat.
"Why would I do that?"
"Just do it."
"Ok so now you're quoting Nike?" I asked her because it was true. That is the Nike slogan, if that's what you call it. "Shut up! Don't act smart with me."
"I'd like to think I'm already smart."
She pushed me harder into the wall.
"Break up with Daniel."
"Because Avery over here ruined my life at school. My crush liked her and she denied it but I know she liked him."
"And that's got anything to do with me why?"
"Because if you're upset then so is Avery."
"That's evil. What have you got against Daniel and I?"
"Like I said if your upset then so is she."
I had enough. I pushed her off me. "Leave the girls, the boys and me alone." I said through gritted teeth. Honestly that girl annoyed me so much. I'm never usually that mean but something about her just bought all the anger out. I got back to the girls. "Let's go." I said obviously annoyed and they agreed.
We got back to the hotel and I was the the last to walk in. I slammed the door and everyone jumped. "Ugh! Why is she so annoying?!" I shouted.
"Don't worry about it Harper. We know she's stupid but stupid people aren't worth stressing about." Avery said.
"Thanks." I said a bit happier.
Daniel's POV
We just got back to our hotel from finishing the show and I decided to face time Harper. Jack decided to join because he wanted to see Avery. I called her and she picked up almost instantly. "Hey!" I said to her with a smile.
"Hey." She said a lot less enthusiastically.
"What's up?"
"Tell me."
She told me about what happened with Gabbie today and I cheered her up. It had been about 20 minutes and Jack and Avery had joined in the conversation. "We need to go on double dates." Avery said.
"But where?" I said.
"and what?" Jack said.
"We could got skating." Harper said and we agreed to do it after we came back.
We spent about half an hour talking and Harper was going to bed. "Can you sing me a song?" She asked.
"Sure. Which one?"
"Made For."
I got to the chorus of the song and she sang with me. "If my heart grows old, if my heart grows cold. Though my heart breaks slow, that's what it's made for. And if my heart grows old, if my heart grows cold. Though my heart breaks slow, that's what it's made for."
"Hold my heart, hold it tight it's fallin'
Hold it close, don't let go, I'm all in. Slow down." I sung and she was asleep. "I love you miss Hart." I whispered and ended the call.

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