Chapter 1

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Chloe: Long straight brown hair, stunning ocean blue eyes, about 5.5 feet tall, olive tone completion, pink plump lips, curvy



The shots echo around the building as i shoot the roamers that come towards me, my heart races even faster with every shot. I only have a few bullets left and so i have to use them wisely and carefully.





As I run out of bullets, i through my gun into my bag as i race out of the bulding. As im running i can hear the moans of the roamer behind me, this only causes me to run faster. The trees passing by as i go. I inhale the fresh air as im panting for air

When i feel that they are far enough away that the wont find me i slow down to catch my breath. Only then do I realize how badly my legs are burning from running for so long. I decide to climb a tree and take a break.

Im not sure where im going, or where i am. All I know is that im alone. I keep walking until the sun starts setting. I will do a lot of things, but walking through the woods during the apocalypse is not one of them. I make my way to a secluded home and quickly check through it to make sure there wernt any surprizes waiting for me.

When i finish my clearing of the house, i start checking for food and water. Classic apocalpse move am i right? I dont find much. just a few cans of peaches and other fruit, meatballs, a bottle of water and some extra batteries.

I grab my items and go up to the room that i will be staying in. I lit some candles so that i can see and start looking threw the closet to see if i can find anything that could be of use to me. wearing the same thing everyday can get a little bit... you know.. fucking gross. i find a black pair of leggings and a long sleeve flowey shirt, even a pair of combat boots.

After i finish everything, i sit in the corner and think. I think that if i was with a group, then maybe things would have went smoother on that food run earlier , i'd also have someone to talk to, a friend. I don't think I've had someone to talk too in months. All of my family died early on, so I've had to teach myself how to survive. and i'd like to say I've done pretty damn well on my own.

I'm only 17. I should be going to partys with my friends, going to prom, dating boys and having heart breaks. Doing dumb shit to get myself in trouble, failing test and doing exams.

But instead, i'm sitting in a old, smelly house, by myself, during the end of the world.

I grab my knife, the only means of self defence i have left besides my years of MMA fighting, and do a final perimeter run around the house to make sure no roamers are around. Then i go back inside, the floor boards creeking below me as i walk, i blow out my candles, and go to sleep.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: HEY THIS IS THE FIRST CHAPTER. i know its prob sucks but im really exited about this project. if you have any ideas or comments or questions about the book feel free to dm me or leave a comment. I have some ideas for whats to come for our main character Chloe

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