teacher x student

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Jenny's p.o.v

I woke up stretching listening to the birds just outside my window. It was a wonderful way to wake up, but when i looked at the clock I started to panic.

'Shit' I scurried out of bed running around my room looking for my uniform. I thanked the heavens i showered last night so i didnt have to try and do that to in the 20 mins I had to get to school. After searching for what felt like forever I ran to the laundry room in hopes that it was there. I opened the dryer and there is was all nice and dry thank god. I stripped off my robe and quickly threw on my uniform. I ran back to my room and grabbed my phone I looked at the time, I realized I had enough time to grab my bag and run. Throwing on the first pair of shoes I say which were cute black boots that came up just a little. Then i ran.

When i fianlly started my journey to school i came to two conclusions 1) i forgot to do my homework for my period one English. And 2) i didnt have underwear or a bra on. Well this is going to be fun... Not.


Getting to school i ran inside and ran to my class. I was already late by a minute i couldnt risk being late a couple more because Mr Rain would have my head.

When i got to the class i took a big gasp of air and opened the door. All eyes went to me. Well shit i thought id be able to make an entrance without being seen. As i walked in and said sorry not looking at the teacher at all i saw my best friend Claire sitting in her usual spot the only problem was my spot beside her was full the only spot open was the one right infront of the teachers desk. With a sigh I took the seat and dropped my bag on the floor. This day could not get any worse.

Rider's p.o.v

I was in the middle of writing my name on the board for my students when a girl walks through the door trying to be quite. It didnt work since everyone was being quite as it was. When I looked at her she didnt even look up. She mumbled a quick sorry and went towards the desks. When she paused for a second i saw a girl at the back shrug her shoulders. Must of been her friend. With a big sigh she sat down at the desk right infront of mine, dropping her bag on the floor. She didnt even look up at all. I must admit she was beautiful. She had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. Her legs were long and in her uniform with her boots they looked stunning.

Ryder what are you thinking. Shes your student.

My brain was right i needed to move on with the class.

'Alright so I am assuming everyone is here now.' I looked directly at the girl who was staring at me in what i would call awe. She looked so cute. When she realized i caught her she started to blush and look down. I wanted so bad to walk over and lift her chin up and just stare into her eyes. God i was starting to sound like a sap.

'My name is Mr. Flynn and ill be your teacher for the rest of the year. As Mr. Rain as taken some time off. Is there any questions' I asked the class. Hands shot up right away. I was surprised there were so many people wanting to ask but being a younger teacher i figured it would be mostly personal but oh well. I looked around and called on the girl at the back.

'You may ask your question miss... '


'Alright miss Claire, go ahead'

'Well sir i have two. My first one is, how old are you? And my second one is, are you single?' She asked both while starting to lean forward with a smirk on her face. I knew those two questions would come up it was inevitable.

'Well miss Claire, if you must know i am 23 years old and yes i am single.' I answered her with a smile and checked to see if anyone else had a question. A lot of the hands had gone down. Did everyone really want to know that? I was a little surprised. But then my eyes met with a blue pair her hand up in the air.

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