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Before you can start applying, you should know what you're signing up for! I'd recommend you to read carefully through each role, so you choose and apply to the best fit! The form will be very specific to what we're looking for in that role. Please only apply if you'll truly be committed to helping out, and can give time to helping out this account. Any of these roles are subject to change, but if we do we'll update this page and notify the people it affects.

Headmistress/Founder: Time commitment should be about 3 hours collectively a day.
-Will oversee that everything that needs to be done is getting accomplished.
-Be the one accepting or rejecting the application forms.
-Help out in any role if needed.

(Permanently taken by weasleyqueen- )

Deputy Headmistress/Co-Founder: Time commitment should be about 1-2 hours a day.
-Makes sure the Headmistress didn't miss anything while checking up on roles.
-Manages the admins specifically, and updates them on any new book ideas to get input.
-Checks in on all roles and makes sure they're working together smoothly

(Permanently taken by infinitemonster16 )

Professors/Admins: Time commitment should be about 1-2 hours a day.
-Develop ideas for new books together and contact the Co-Founder or Founder about it.
-Answers questions, and private messages if they know the actual answer. If not, contact the Founder or Co-founder about it.
-Make sure all of the books have been updated and comments are taken care of. If you get accepted, we can talk about specific ways of updating each book we start.

Aurors/Security: Time commitment should be about an hour a day.
-Be on the lookout for rude comments, and deal with them appropriately.
-Deal with any rule issues in the contests.
-Make sure none of the team is being hated on, and that everyone feels supported!

Owls/Publicists: Time commitment should be about an hour a day. Answering questions can be on your personal account.
-Get out our important announcements through a book that will be dedicated to that.
-Check thoroughly for any questions that were missed and contact one of the admins/founders about it.
-Be our publicists! You'll need to be crafty, and use clever wording that will hopefully have people want to be apart of our community!

Painters/Graphic Designers: Time commitment should be an hour or two when a new graphic is needed.
-Design all of the covers for our books! Please decide together on a theme that you'll use for all of them as well!
-Make all of the stickers for the contests we will hold!
-Update the profile picture and background as needed to fit the theme.

Reporters/Interviewers: Time commitment should be 2-3 hours a day when judging is going on, and half an hour to an hour on regular days.
-Judge the books in our contests.
-Following up on the first place winner through an interview and publish it in the hall of fame! (Which will soon be created)
-Find hidden gems in our community and shine a light on them in a reading list, or possibly we'll create a new book for something related to that.

And that's all folks! Now, please apply to the one you're the most interested in. I wish you all the best of luck, and really hope that we'll soon welcome you to the team!

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