Part 1

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Warnings: Mentions of abuse (mentions only, no descriptions). I think that's it, but please let me know if there is anything else that needs a warning!
Steve pulled off the cowl of his stage costume as he sat down on one of the stage props backstage during the brief window between back-to-back shows. He pulled out one of the few books he had managed to bring with him to keep his mind busy during his down time, but the sound of voices from another room was making it hard for him to focus. Steve knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it. It was honestly the serum's fault, it's not like he wanted to listen in on other people's conversations, he just couldn't help it since he was still getting used to his new enhanced abilities. As much as he didn't want to, he kept listening to the two chorus girls gossip while pretending to read the book he held in his hands.

"Did ya hear? We're getting a big Hollywood star joinin' the tour."

"Oh?! And what star would that be?"

"Y/N. I just happened to overhear the senator's man bragging about booking her. Apparently, he said she's goin' overseas with us, ya know so she can help raise the boys morale."

"Yea, I don't think its just their morale she'll be raising, if ya catch my drift."

"Oh, you're terrible!"

Steve listens to the women's laughter as he thinks back on all the times he dragged Bucky to see Y/N's films, not that Bucky ever put up much of a fight whenever Steve suggested they see a movie and her's just happened to be playing. For an hour or so, they could sit in a dark theater, forget their real world problems and focus on the her beautiful presence on the large screen. Bucky would often say that going to the movies was their way of "visiting their girl."

When they were younger and Y/N was a young hollywood star just starting to become a household name, the two boys would often talk about what they would do if they ever had a chance to take her out on a date. Even before Bucky earned his reputation around the neighborhood for being a charmer, his imaginary dates with her were always over the top and Steve never doubted for a single second that Bucky would be able to sweep her off her feet if given the chance. Bucky's date often started off by picking her up in a fancy car and greeting her with the largest bouquet of flowers money could buy, then taking her to dinner at Tavern on the Green, followed by dancing at the best clubs that Manhattan had to offer.

It didn't matter how many times that Steve pointed out to Bucky that neither one of them could even afford to look at Tavern on the Green, let alone actually take a date there and eat a full meal there, Bucky would ruffle his hair and laugh at him.

"Come on, punk. Our girl deserves the best, we can't have her running back to tinsel town and marrying one of her no good co-stars, can we? Now, how you do plan on charming her?" Bucky would often remark, as if either young man had any real chance with her.

No matter what he tried, Steve's dream date with her was always ending being realistic and boring when he compared them to the glamorous night Bucky had come up with. Steve imagined taking her to the Met, since he figured a girl as beautiful as her should be surrounded by art as breathtaking as her. After that Steve could never decide if he'd take her for a walk through Central Park or spring for one of those carriage rides through the park. He supposes the carriage ride would be more romantic and girls seemed to like that kind of stuff. Of course, after sharing his date idea with Bucky, his best friend would get that big dumb grin on his face and tease Steve.

"Are ya tryin' to drive her into Clark Gable or Gary Cooper's arms?! Ya gotta go big, Stevie. Our girl is probably being wined and dined by those heartbreakers in Hollywood right now as we speak. We gotta compete with that. Now, try again. Come on, sky's the limit!"

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