"Stahp plezz" Said te Unicorn Kat
"What do I need to stop doing?" Said wheeze officer
"Ur FACE" te Unicorn Kat yelled quietly but loudly
"MA FACE IS BEAUTIFUL" wheeze officer screamed. Then she exploded
"I know." Te Unicorn Kat whispered then she quickly inhaled her face* "BuT nOw yoU doN't hAvE OnE!" Te oonicirn kate yelled.
BuT suDdenLy tE whEezE officEr cAme bacK tO lifE and SLAPPED oN a nEw FACE! "FITE ME" she yELLed.
BuT then the uunnicorm suddenly blushed and said "I can't you're TOO PERFECT" like a dramatic anime girl.
Then te w h e e z e oficcer said "aww now I CAN'T FITE YOU" also liek an anime gurl. Ten te inucorn asked "gUd cuZ I waNt Us tO hAvE gAy KiDs"
*Gasp* te wheze occifer gasped gaspingly. "NoW wE wilL mArrY" summerized te oonikrn. "YESS EI AGRI" squeaksings the Offficker "Neow you is ma babeh and we will be gayz forever" gasplngly talked te innicern.
Ten tey twere tgay tforever**THE END**
Special thanks to Unicorn_Kitty_12_ for helping me make this betiful lessbinn stori
Hey Masky Hey Masky Hey Masky
HumorBook of stuff that doesn't really matter but I like to pretend it does Also memes There's some memes