Chapter 1

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-Kyler in media- 


"Yes, look this way!" I snapped the photo. Smiling into the small screen of my camera satisfied, I presented it to the couple, the woman squealed in delight, the man gave me a nod in approval. "Great, I shall edited and get these developed, expect the photos in about I say...two days." 

Shaking hands with the couple, we departed. Opening my office door, I sat myself down and plugged in the memory drive into the laptop. I click on the photos of the couple and begin to edit. The photos turned out beautiful, the couple together made them beautiful. A smile formed on my face as I printed them out. 

Waiting for the photos to print, I decide to explore other photos I have done in the past. Some were amazing and some were cringy. As I scroll I came across old photos; photos of Brett, my bestfriend, and I having fun or studying, old landscapes, and other random photos. I continue to scroll until I came across a familiar face, my eyes start to become moist and unwanted memories arise. Cain. Cain Walker, the man who stole everything from me and by everything I mean my heart, body, and soul... I close my laptop not wanting to see the face of the man who broke me. 

"Don't feel bad about yourself Kylar, you are a Zhou, a fighter. You can survive." I whisper to myself, getting up from my seat and over to the printed photos. Time to place these in an album. 


Holding onto my camera and the couple's unfinished album, I hurry on home. My home is a run down trailer home that has been through hell and back and by hell and back I mean it's been through numerous tornados and about two massive hurricanes, it's a suprrise it still stands. I open the door, careful not to break it as it's fragile just like the rest. 

"Mom! I'm home!" I shout. No sound came. I shrug my shoulders, she must be at work. My mum works three jobs trying to gain some money. She works as a waitress, at a gas station, and for her third job sadly, as a prostitute. Her prostitution job is what paid my education. I wanted mum to quit that job as it hurts her so much but she refuses stating that she wouldn't allow her son, me, to go without school. 

I carefully place my work down on my "bed" and strolled into the kitchen. I crouch down and open the small fridge, a half eaten sandwich appeared along with a note on top. "I had half, you can have the other half. Please eat. Love, Mum." the note said, I smile and grab the sandwich; taking a bite I moan, mmmm....turkey.  I ate the sandwich turkey slowly, savoring every bite, once it's done I grab a small pint of water and drank. 

I look around my home with a sad smile. I wish I was rich enough to be rid of this horrid life, I wish to give my mum a life filled with jewels and no more worries, to have servants wait on her hand and foot. She deserves it, she has done so much for me, she deserves nothing but the best of the best. I chug more of the water before storing away the bottle in our small pantry which basically is a box underneath it was another box, a flat box; inside contains my and my mum's only source of survival if ever our need becomes desperate- my great, great, great grandmother's pearls, worth about $700,000 dollars, it's enough to get us by. 

Laying down on my "bed" I stare at the broken window above, stars were out tonight as always. I always did love star gazing, just wish I had someone to gaze it with, a lover of some sort. I begin to count the stars like how Brett counts sheep, before I knew it my eyes grew heavier and heavier....welcome sleep. 

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