~Hot Night~

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Marshall Lee looked up at the castle irritably. He could see Prince Gumball and Fionna laughing as they sat dry from the rain. "Tch," he said as he wiped the rain and sweat off his forehead. "It's so hot out here. That prince thinks he's better, sitting there all dry. Wonder what he'll say if I happened to push him in this humid rain."

A smirk formed on Marshall's lips. He strummed a few cords on his guitar before letting out a wailing rift that made Gumball fall out of his chair.

"Gumball!" he heard Fionna gasp. Marshall smiled and floated up to the window.

"Oh forgive me, Your Majesty!" he said devilishly. "I didn't mean to scare you~"

"Marshall Lee," Gumball gasped. "What are you doing here? And why are you playing that guitar so loudly. Your actions are so distasteful!" Gumball turned away. "Come, Fionna. It's late. I'll escort you to the door."

Marshall grinned and flew around to the door as Fionna and Gumball stood in the entrance. "Well, bye Gumball." Fionna walked out into the rain. "Bye Marshall."

Marshall winked. "Goodnight Fionna~ Hope you have lovely nightmares~"

"Marshall," Gumball said sternly. "You shouldn't say that to a lady." Marshall flew closer. Prince Gumball backed up a bit, cheeks a slight tinge of red. "Glob Marshall, you're too close! Wha-what do you want?"

"You," Marshall whispered.

Gumball's cheeks flamed. "WHA- WHAA..!" Marshall laughed and pulled his pink companion out into the rain. "MARSHALL!" Prince Gumball yelled. "My hair! It's wet! And it's so hot!"

Marshall laughed again. "You should see your hair!" Marshall floated up and laughed, unaware of Gumball making his way over to him. "Gah!"

Gumball grabbed him. "You're going to pay for this, Marshall Lee!" Gumball led Marshall into the castle. The vampire grinned and thought of how exactly he was going to "pay" the sweet prince.

Gumball grumbled incoherently as he stomped up to his room. He pushed Marshall inside and locked to door. "Oh, Glod, Gumball! Is this what I think it is?"

"I-i-it's n-no-not!" the prince stuttered. He walked pass Marshall and closed the window. "Now," he said, his face a darker shade of pink. "Write me an apology or you're not leaving."

Marshall flew right up to Gumball's face. "And if I don't?" he asked the blushing prince. "What other 'punishments' can you think of?"

Gumball fumbled helplessly. "M-Marshall! This isn't s-some sort of game! I want an apology for getting me wet."

Marshall smiled. "I'm sure you'll be even wetter by the end of the night~"

Prince Gumball's eyes widened. "Wha- Mph!"

Marshall silenced the prince with his lips. Gumball struggled feebly with his eyes closed. "M-Marshall..." he gasped when they parted. He felt Marshall's arms wrap around him, his right hand dangerously low. "Marshall, I-" he broke off in a moan. Marshall's hand slipped up Gumball's thigh. "Marshall..." He moaned out.

Marshall's eyes widened and Gumball covered his mouth. "I-I-I-I'm so so sorry, M-Marshall!" He closed his eyes tight and backed up. He gasped as he was pushed away and fell onto his bed. "I-"

Marshall's mouth covered his. Their tongues swirled together passionately. They parted, a trail of pinkish saliva connecting them together. "What are you apologizing for, Bubba? I want to hear more of your pretty little moans~"

Gumball couldn't speak. Marshall pressed his lips to Gumball's and trailed his fingers along his partners' thighs. Gumball gasped on his lips, fighting each moan that threatened to split the twos' lip lock apart. Gumball reached around and locked his arms around Marshall, pulling him even closer.

Marshall slipped off the prince's pants. "Oh what have we here?" Gumball gasped and moaned as Marshall grabbed him. "You're so hard, Bubba," he whispered in Gumball's ear. He began to stroke the pink rod, getting excited himself with every moan emitted from Gumball's mouth. Every gasping "Marshall" he heard drove him crazy with desire. It caused his hand to pump faster.

"M-Marshall! I'm going to-!" Marshall kissed him again, removing his hand from Gumball's throbbing shaft. He whined a little. "Marshall.." he groaned desperately.

"Shhh," said the vampire. "I'm not done yet~" His mouth replaced his hand and the prince gasped. He bucked his hips, wanting to feel more of Marshall's mouth closed in around him. He tangled his fingers in Marshall's dark hair. He felt Marshall's long tongue circle around him.

"Marshall!" Gumball gasped again. He was even closer to the edge than with Marshall's hand. He was gasping and moaning wildly, unable to stop the scream he had bottled up as his resolve finally came undone. His hips twitched slightly as he heard Marshall gently sucking and lapping up the thick, slightly pink fluid that stuck to Gumball's skin. "M-Marshall..."

Marshall looked up and smiled mischievously. He winked. "Don't worry, Bubba. I'm not done yet."

Prince Gumball x Marshall Lee (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now