Chapter 49

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Harper's POV
We were at the airport again, picking up the boys this time. "I don't think I can go to the airport again for the next couple of months." Bella said while lightly chuckling. "It's actually really tiring." Star said.
We waited for about twenty minutes, then I saw the boys. Avery and I ran up to them and we hugged our boyfriends. We jumped on the so hard that we fell down. "Wow. I feel loved." Zach said sarcastically. We got up off the floor and I gave him a big hug. "Feel loved now?" I said laughing.
"Definitely." He said with a smile.
We gave everyone hugs and headed to the boys apartment complex.
"So who's apartment are we going in?" I asked.
"Youngest goes first." Corbyn said.
"To show the apartment?" Zach asked.
"No to play monopoly." Corbyn answered sarcastically. Zach stuck his tongue out at Corbyn. "Ok so Jack goes firs." Jonah said clapping his hands together.
Zach and I walked up the stairs and everyone else took the elevator. "So you don't like elevators too?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He answered slightly laughing at the end.
"So do you like Allie." I asked him.
"Uh. W-what?"
"You now what I said." I said and looked at him smirking a little.
"I,er. I-i yeah." He said sighing at the end.
"It's ok. I'm sure she likes you too." I reassured him.
"I don't think she does. She's kind of distant from me."
I stopped and he stopped with me. I stood in front of him. He looked down, I lifted his head up. "Listen Zach. She's going through a hard time. I'm not going to tell you because she needs to tell you. But listen to me Zach she does like you. She's scared. Scared to love, to trust. Don't think she doesn't like you because I know she does. Ok?"
"Ok." "Thank you."
"No problem Zachy." I said while ruffling his hair.
"Hey!" He shouted in a high pitched voice, I laughed at him. "Also I'm older than you so I can call you the baby nicknames Harpy." He said emphasising 'Harpy'.
"Ok one I act older than you, two you look about fourteen and three Harpy? Is that the best you got?"
"Ok I was on the spot. I'll think of one sooner or later."
We made it to Jack's apartment and I knocked on the door. Jack opened the door and spoke. "What took you two so long?"
"It's tiring going up that many stairs." Zach said.
"It's four flights of stairs." Jack answered.
"He said it not me." I said while holding my hands up in defence and shuffling past Jack into the apartment.

We spent the rest of the day looking at the boys apartments and talking. We were mainly talking about Thanksgiving and their two year anniversary as a band.
We went home after a couple of hours and quickly went to sleep.
I woke up at 2:23 am (A/N just thought I'd be specific🙃) I walked into Allie's room. "Allie." I whispered while slightly shaking her. She woke up and rubbed her eyes. "What?" She asked groggily. "I need to talk to you about Zach."
Allie's POV
Harper talked to me about Zach and the conversation they had earlier. "I'll talk to him tomorrow. Well today." I said.
"Oh yeah sorry." Harper said concerned.
"It's fine."
"Ok night."
She walked out of my room and I fell asleep.

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