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I have been here for a long time,

my world that is filled with self-harming thoughts.

These dangerous thoughts,

haunt me in my sleep,

and mess around with my mind;

they slowly engulf my self-conscious,

and persuade me to hurt myself.

Make the voices stop,

leave me alone in the dark for all I care.

Let me cry,

let me scream,

get rid of these voices inside of my head.

The voices are whispering to me again,

telling me there was nothing left for me to care in this world.

Pleads and screams would not stop the voices from whispering.

They are getting control of my mind.

No one cares about you,

light is just another illusions human made,

only darkness remained when the world ends.

The voices whispered again and again.

If the world truly have light, please

search for me,

make the voices stop.

Save me from this torturing,

give me hope, stop me from hurting myself.

Before it is too late.

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