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The next day, I woke up around 11am, scrubbed up, wore a polka dotted gown and a hijab, picked my phone and strolled out of the room. I was going to the hospital to get my wound dressed. Mama called:

"Assalamu alaikum" mama said.

"Wa alaikumus salam, maama good morning" I greeted back.

"Morning, how are you? hope everything is alright, your voice sounded somehow yesternight hope you are okay" she asked worry evidenced in her voice.

"Oh that.. you know we are on clinical posting ai, so I was fatigued when I came back that was why" I lied scratching my forehead.

"Oh I see, may Allah help you girls and protect you from all evils and harm, where is Safeenah btw? she asked.

"We ain't in the same place, bye maama before I get late" I said and hung up.

"Oh Allah forgive me for lying to my mother, I don't wanna get them stressed up with this shit" I silently prayed wiping a lone tear that escaped my eye.

On reaching the ward, I greeted the nurses in nurses' station, they all asked me about my health. I searched for Feenah but was no where to be found. The nurse that was supposed to dress the wound came in but unfortunately for me they paged her that one of her patients is crashing so she had to leave immediately, on her way out she asked a doctor to help her out with me.

I sat quitely waiting for the doctor, he came in, brought out all the things he needed, wore gloves and turned to my side.

"Oh its the lost puppy" he arched his left brow.

"Don't ever call me that again in your life, else you regret it" I said pointing my index at him.

"Oh calm down lioness, ain't you the lost puppy that bumped into me yesterday" he said with a smirk.

I opened my mouth to talk when Feenah barged in.

"Hey hey hey! What's going on in here?" she asked.

"Warn him not to call me a lost puppy again" I said sending daggers to him.

She looked at me amazed and then back to him, she kept doing that like a zombie.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"So he is  the supercilious guy you were talking about.. I see" she said smile creeping out of her lips.

"She called me that?" he asked raising his brows.

"Would call you something worse than that if you dare me next time" I said carrying my phone from the couch and making my way to the door.

"Babe wait" she said holding my wrist.
"I thought he's supposed to dress this" she said pointing at the wound.

"Yes, but not anymore , not now and not  anytime, it'd rather stay like that, he isn't gonna touch my wound, never" I disgustedly blasted turning my face to the other side.

"Are you nut? stay and let this guy do his work, your first meeting was a casual meeting while this is an official one, so allow him do his work, you guys can settle your differences later, okay?" she scolded.

The doctor angrily removed the gloves and stomped out while Feenah ran after him.

I don't know what happened or what she told him but he came back to dress the wound still wearing the angry face.

Feenah signaled me to behave and sauntered out.

Silence! silence!silence!

Silence prevailed the entire room for a while before he wore another pair of gloves and asked me to lie back.
I got scared by the way he was so cold and firm unlike earlier.

"Pull your hijab a little backward" he said sternly.

I did and he started, I winced in pain time to time, anytime I winced he raised his hand a little for a while before he continued .

"Awww how sweet, he isn't that bad, I think he is decent for him not to ask me to remove my hijab" I thought.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard: "You can remove the plaster in two days".

He stomped out immediately after finishing without giving me a second glance.

"Why was he so cold?" I asked my self but shrugged when I couldn't get the answer.

I went back to the hostel and laid on my bed, before I knew it I fell into a deep slumber.

"Salma wake up, have you prayed? Don't tell me you've been sleeping since when you came back" I heard Feenah nagging amidst sleep.

I just turned to the other side backing her.

"Salame I'm sure you're awake, so just give up and get up, the game is over" she said.

"I am not gonna talk to you for the whole of today, infact we are gonna malice for today, how could you do that to me? Why would you scold me in his presence? I complained trying hard not to laugh.

"Ohhh really? How childish! Like I was just tryna help babe, what if I called Maama or Ammiee what would you've done? Beat me? Awww c'mon we are far beyond that, we are not 14, are we?" She said tickling my tummy.

"Oh-my-god-please-stop-I-beg-youuuu" I begged in between laugh.

"No I won't until you tell me we're back on talking time" she shouted back on top of her lungs.

"Godddd okay we aren't keeping malice anymore, we're talking already so stoppp please lovvve" I said now crying and laughing at the same time.

"Better" she said holding her tummy in laughter.

We hugged and she whispered "I'm sorry" into my ears wiping my stained cheeks.

***Later in the day***

"Salma let's go and grab ice cream and pop corn in cold stone, I'm craving " Feenah squealed.

"No I'm going nowhere with this on my forehead, and who's gonna take us there if I may ask, last time I checked we aren't with any driver here" I said pointing at my plastered forehead and forming a question mark on the air.

"You're kidding right? You know I can't go out alone, kai Salma please, y'know we can actually use something and cover it and yes we're taking cab" she begged making her best puppy face.

"Ya Allah! Feenah you're gonna be the death of me I swear" I said slacking my shoulders in defeat.

"Yes yes yes! I always overthrow " she yodelled.

"You wish love, I'm just being the good one here saving your ass all the time" I said getting up.

Issan update ✍🏼❤️
Okay what can I say to you guys, school has been so hectic these days, from presentations to assignments, tests, exams etcetera. It's been a while I updated but at least here is a chapter for you guys.

Next chapter is gonna be from another person's point of view in sha Allah, guess who😬

So, is it getting more interesting? Please tell me your suggestions in the comment box.

I love you all❤️❤️❤️

Don't forget to;



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