My First Boxing class

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As I got changed in the changing room I had arrived early than expected so I started walking around punching bags. Then my class had began we all sat down in the centre and our two instructors told us our warm up exercise. We all got up and they made us do the follwing: 100 pushups 20 crunches and 30 legs raises. I was compleltly dead after warm up, after that Roy, demonstrated combination 1 & 2 which was Jab, Cross Left round house kick and Jab, Cross right round house kick. It was a pretty hard at first but then over the weeks I grasped the whole motion and could do it with ace.

Then I got changed and went home on the way I stopped to get something to eat I saw my friend Adam along the way. He shouted my name and looking at him with embrassement I went up to him slowly. "Wag1 Amaan" he said like the retard he was. "Hi Adam how's it going"? I replied back to him. He then said someting I couldn't get my head round. "Well ya kno Myah in our class I fiwnk she has a thing for u". "Yeah whatever" I said quietly and walked off.

Alone the way home I saw a group of boyz heading my way I kept my head down not wanting to cause trouble. There was a group of teenagers having a spuff and one drinking red bull. I muttered to myself "how could u smoke that shit". Then one said to me " u got somfin to say? Say it to my face yu fuking pussy" the boy grabbed me and him and he friends got me to the ground and started kicking me. I was full of blood but still fine and I manged to grab one of the boy's. The look on his face showed he was gunna shit himself but I left him no mercy and started to lace punches and kicks to the body and kneed him to the nose he lied there like a dead man crying with a bloody nose

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