I am Georgia Snicker. I am fourteen and I don't have a normal life like you do. I don't have a normal family like you do. I don't have an electronic device like what you are reading off right now. I am not important to anyone to be honest. All I have is well...nothing. I don't feel sorry for my self I just try and get through life with a smile on my face. Although I do have the strength to walk to school and try to focus on my education. What? Me afford school? I go to a public school. I use books that I find in the school storage cupboard as well as pencils, bags and all of those essentials. But it can be hard at times because everybody teases me not only on my grey, misty eyes and scruffy blonde hair but where I live. No one wants to be my friend because being friends with a girl that doesn't have a shower, smartphone or a bed can give them a bad reputation. Teenagers these days ugh. I don't get to feel the warmth of a heater or the cool breeze of an air conditioner instead I feel warmth by hiding underneath a pale brown doona that I found chucked near some large, green bins. The ground gets very chilly at night so I like to bundle myself up and just lay down on the icy, rock hard ground while leaning my back against a brick wall in an alleyway. I eat from the bins as well. It's not that bad but it's not too good when it's mouldy. Even though I can see my ribs sticking out of my skin and smelling my disgusting, rotten tuna stench everyday, hopefully I will find a home, someone to love and well that's all I need to be happy.
Teen FictionWhat is it like not to come home to a family that care for your well being? Not getting to cuddle up with your cat by the heater. Not getting to eat when your bored. Not having friends that tell you that they are always there for you. Well, Georgia...