Chapter 1: spotted

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"Class settle down!" mr turner says while walking in the door, silence takes over the room but faint whispers could be heard,i look at the clock 8:45... hmm 55 minutes to go,I hold my head in my hands and close my eyes I got at least 6 minutes like that until I heard someone whisper my name,i look up to see alice mouthing something to me but I don't quite understand so I stare at her blankly till she figures it out, a couple of seconds pass an she roles her eyes she starts writing on a clear page in her maths book until mr turner asks her a question "alice what is the answer to the equation on the board?", I see alice quickly scan the board a few seconds pass and she answers confidently "40 + 965-76=929" "correct!" mr turner says with a hint of surprise in his voice but truly everyone new alice was good at maths...before I got lost in my thoughts like I always do alice got my attention once again but this time she held up her book, at first I thought it said look bee hive you but then I focused my eyes a bit better and this time it made more sense 'look behind you' so I did what it said, but all I saw was the grade 11 class through the huge glass window that connected them to my grade 10 class I turned back to alice and mouthed "what?" she wrote on her book once again a couple more seconds pass and her book is held up again saying 'HARRY IS LOOKING AT YOU!', I pause and slowly turn around I look again and there he was staring straight at me he sends a wink my way,i give him a quick smile and turn back around to see alice smirking, I look at her trying to act serious but a laugh escapes my mouth I feel everyone's eyes on me but eventually they look away. as the last couple of minutes pass and the bell rings alice walks over to my desk, I quickly pack up my stuff and we walk towards the door but before we leave mr turner stops us "girls you might wanna pay more attention in class" "yes sir" me and alice answer at the same time "okay your excused" me and alice nod and walk out the door we get a little down the hall until we burst out laughing, alice mimics mr turners voice in a funny way and I couldn't help but laugh even harder, we make our way to our lockers and put our books away,luckily for us our lockers were next to each other's, "sooo Harry looked at you" alice said half screaming it, "yea but nothing's ever gonna happen he's popular and in grade 11" "rose don't forget we're popular" alice says looking at me with what looks like half annoyance and half curiosity "what?" I say hoping she'd drop the subject "what's the real reason you think nothing will happen" "idk I guess it's cause he's in grade 11", "what kind of excuse is that she says looking at me like I said the most stupidest thing in the world "can we just drop this and plus if we don't hurry well miss lunch" alice nods in agreement and off we go, it took us about 5 minutes to get to the cafeteria seeing as our lockers were around the corner, as soon as we got there we grab our lunch trays and go in line, "what are you getting?" alice asks "um I think I'll get a salad and water what about you?" uhh maybe an apple, sandwich, yogurt and water", after we get our lunch we see Payton waving her arms telling us to come join her so we do like always, I find it amazing how she always manages to beat us to the cafeteria but let's face it the girl can fast walk. as we made our way around the tables and through the huddles of people we manage to get to Payton without dropping or spilling our food, "so how was class any new gossip?" Payton says with a glimmer of hope in her eyes,but before I could stop alice she's was almost done telling Payton,"omg!!! that's so cute" "I know but rose here thinks that it's never gonna happen because he's in grade 11", "thank you alice" I say with sarcasm in my voice, but before alice could reply the boys came over. "hey guys" Payton says in a flirty voice...I never under stood why she said it that way because she was very stunning, hey babe mark says wrapping his arms around me,i giggle and say "hey babe" back he chuckles but doesn't remove his arms. I always thought how it was funny when everyone thought me and mark were dating but truth was we weren't," dude you should eat more"Dustin says looking at my plate, everyone's eyes follow and I laugh "I'll keep that in mind next time",'everyone just laughs'


"Dude what are you staring at?" Liam asked with curiosity, "rose!" Niall butted in "shut up" "Harry just face it you like the girl" "I do not Niall shut up" "so that's why you were staring at her in class?", "you were that's creepy" liam said while laughing causing us us to all laugh until a boy catches my eye, he has his hands around rose and she's laughing..."hey Niall who's that boy hugging rose?" I say trying act casual "Harry that's mark you know the guy on our football team","oh yea you think he's dating rose?","I don't think so he's known her since they were 5", "Niall how do you know this stuff?" Liam asked, "it's called socialising you know talk to people" Liam just shrugs off niall's comment and mumbles whatever.


"OMG!!!" alice squeals deafening everyone's ear "what?" The boys hiss, alice looks at me then leans down and whispers in my ear "Harry's looking at you again", I close my eyes hoping that she was lying but to my luck she wasn't. as I turn my gaze towards Harry he nods, I role my eyes and turn back towards my group, they were staring at me, "what!?" I feel Mark loosen his arms and slowly remove them, "harry likes you?","mark says in a whisper so only I could hear, I turn to face him and reply "no he doesn't" but I can tell he doesn't believe me...silence passed over the group until DING! DONG! DING! DONG!, The bell had rung, we all said our goodbyes!i gave dustin,mark and kade hugs after alice and Payton do the same we all go are separate ways except for me an we walk towards our lockers I take out my class timetable and see I have art, so did alice we had nearly all our classes together except science and history I had those 2 subjects with Payton, we made our way to art but were stopped by mrs deveròu, "girls your late next time I'll have to give you tardy slips", "yes mrs deveròu" we mumble and walk to our seats."okay class today we are going to draw what comes to your mind,let your creative juices flow! you have till the end of class to draw something spontaneous" and with that she left the classroom, the whispers that were faintly heard now turned into loud conversations, I flip over my sketch book cover and start drawing.this lasted all lesson, mrs deveròu did as said and came back at the end of the lesson we handed our books in and left as the bell rang signalling us to go home, as I walk out of the school building My phone rings it's Payton I answer after the third ring,"hello?" I say wondering what she wants "hey,meet me at my car in the parking lot" before I could answer back she hung up on me, I walk to the car park to see her and alice standing there talking to...omg! harry and his friends, I feel like fainting but keep strong and walk over to them "hey what did you want?" I say looking at alice & Payton, "well Harry here invited us to the movies this afternoon" alice says smirking "idk" I reply seeing the smirk disappear off her face, I look at Harry and his friends and say "I guess I could come" I turn back towards Payton and alice who are trying not to scream,I give them a death stair that made them more calm I angle myself so I am facing both the boys and my friends, it got awkward silent so I decided to speak "hey Niall right?" He nods "can I give you my number" I say smiling he passes me his phone and I add my number I give him back his phone and he smiles "text me the details" "yea I will" he says smiling while they all walking off.

Haha hey guys

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Harry's wink tho ;)

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Peace out

-_Elliexo xo

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