"I have for so long, Blue."

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          Oh my god, Where are you taking me, McCormick?" Craig hisses, Obviously annoyed about why he decided to take this long drive when he could be doing anything else with Kenny.

           "You'll see when we get there, Okay, Tucker? Now stop bitching." Kenny hissed back. Instead of spitting out another insult, Craig rolled his eyes and leaned his head against the glass beside him to gaze out the window.

            Craig didn't even know why he agreed to leave with Kenny, Mainly because he just wanted to be somewhere else than South Park, But also because he was going to be going with Kenny McCormick.

- Craigs POV -

             Kenny was the "extrovert." The one thats always trying to get out and meet new people. But in reality he was just trying to get away from the shitty family he has. But I can't blame him.

              If I were him, I'd try to get away from that place as much as possible too. Me, Well, I'm a bit different. My parents honestly don't give a shit about what happens to me, Or my sister, Ruby, But they don't beat us like Kenny's Parents would.

               Instead, They would Leave.
Go on vacations, Visit bars, And get it on with people. They didn't give a shit what they did, As long as they were living their lives as far away as possible from us.




                 I looked over at the blonde haired male that was shaking me and telling me to get up, And that we had arrived. "Okay, Okay, Whatever..." I practically yawned out, Opening the car door and stepping out, My body feeling like Jelly.

                 "Where are we, McCormick?" I ask in my normal Monotone. Kenny walks around the car to me, A grin Glued on his beautiful skin. "We aren't quite there yet, Craig." He says, Signaling me to follow him along.

                  Again, Why the hell am I with this dip shit? This beautiful dip shit. Fuck. I quickly stroll behind him, Slouching, While Kenny walks Confidently. "How can you be so confident in your situation?" I ask out of the blue, And Kenny keeps on walking.

                   "Hold that Thought, Craig." Kenny said calmly, And kept walking. Huh, Whatever. Fine then.

                      Moments later we came across a pond, That had rocks like seats, And a Campfire. I rubbed my eyes and observed it, glancing up at Kenny every few seconds who seemed to be...Glad.

                      This place must have a special place in his heart. "I'm not." Kenny randomly said out of the blue, As he sat down on one of the rock-like seats. I was confused, And sat down on the rock next to him.

                       "What do you mean?" I cock an eyebrow as kenny looks at me with his beautiful ocean blue eyes. "I'm not confident. At all, Really." I don't respond. "Why did you decide to say that now, Instead of back there?" I thought out loud.

                        "Because this is a place where you come to talk deep. Not like how the weather is, Or some shit," He seemed serious. "This is where you come to get some deep shit off of your shoulders." He said. That hit hard with me. He never sounded more serious about something before, At least to me.

                      "Hm." I lazily shot out, Pondering his words. Kenny smiled at me, And spoke. "You're interesting, Craig." Kenny said softly, Sticking his hands in the pocket of his Parka.

                     I simply didnt respond, Trying to keep my normal straight face when really I was freaking out on the inside. Kenny continued, "I mean. I don't know. I just don't see you like I see others, You know?" He explained, But it seemed like he was confused.

                     "Are you struggling with Sexuality?" I ask, Trying to avoid eye contact with him. He thought for a moment. "I'm Bi-Curious."

                    I looked up at him finally, And nodded, actually seeming to understand, Because I was Bi-Curious for a while before I came out as a homosexual.

                     Out of the blue, Kenny pulls me in quickly to a Kiss. It was warm, and passionate. He tasted like strawberries and peppermint. And I love every bit of it. I kiss back, Not very hesitant. I've secretly been waiting for this for a long time. He nips at my lower lip, Asking for entrance, And I happily comply. Both of us, Fighting for dominance over the other, Before we both...

Pull away.

                    "Fuck, Kenny," This was the first time I've actually called him by his actually name. "Look what you made me do..." I found my hands in his hair, And found his hands in mine. We both sat in silence for a moment, Before Kenny spoke. "How long have you liked me for...?"
                   I found this question quite strange but was also flustered because  I have liked him for a while now, But never wanted to admit it to myself. He can make me smile. Only him. "I- Uhm...A while..." I was almost afraid. What if he judges me? Makes fun of me?

                  Utter Terror was racking my body, And surely Kenny could feel it, Because a grin appeared on his face. I pushed out these words. "D-Do you like me?" I ask, as if everything depends on his answer.

                  What he said next sent a shiver down my spine.

"I have for so long, Blue."

                 Kenny didn't call me blue since the 6th Grade. And the fact he did it just then, Made me feel better than I'd felt in a VERY long time. Just being with Kenny makes me feel happy.

                 On the way back home we had a pleasant talk about us. Us. Only, Us.

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