sad romance story.

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It was only June 13th when school just got out. Knowing me I did'nt have friends that came over, not only that I was'nt really allowed to either. Living in a apartment was hard to, because most people there your not allowed to hang out with.

I had just recently started talking to one of my best friends Logan, I thought he was so cute. The only problem was he was obbesed with a girl named Kinsey. All though one day i have the guts to tell him how I feel, but he replied back with a NASTY. That hurt me so bad, I had no one to talk to and I could'nt tell my parents. All though that changed when I ment helena.

Helena was a beatiful girl, she was so nice. I loved her so much, I started telling her what had happened she was understanding and there for me... until logan came back in the picture. He knocked on my door with a question of " Can I please talk to you Aaliyah". I felt a little excitment rushing through my body, he looked at me with heavey eyes. " Why have'nt you talk to me, why are you mad at me". And thats when suddenly all the anger and all my stress just let go. " Logan i have liked you for so long but like to many girls exspecialy Kinsey. Then after awhile i got over it and told you how I felt. You replied back with a NASTY do you know how bad that hurt me Logan". I just stood there balling, he stood there looking at me with the courage to say " Aaliyah i'm so sorry for what i've done, and I promise you this i'll make it up to you. All you have to do is forgive me". and so i forgave him.

As a week past with us hanging out consistenly I started to get feeling for him, one of the days he asked me to come over to his house to hang out. I said yes like a fool. Going over with Helena all I had in my mind was what if logan well ask me out what if he says im pretty or does this and this or that. When we got there, he had someone sitting on the couch i was so unfermillar with the guy. We started talking and he gave me his phone number. We txted through out the week until i get an unspected text from Kegan( Thats the guy I was unfermiler with) saying he liked me. That made me feel so horrible inside because I did not like him at all i like logan. So my only chose was to say that me and helena are dating. That lasted long before my neighbor told helena that he liked he, she liked him. I thought they would of been a cute couple.

I loved them hanging out until the day he asked her out, she was so overwhelmnd over everything. She wanted to say no but she was to afriad to say anything. A couple night later I recive a txt from logan saying will you go out with me. I was exicted but I did'nt think he would ask me out. so I questioned it, but he called me asking me the question.

so dateing wasnt that great we didnt really do anything until it got to the movie theater, when it got sexual. He slowly started putting his hand on my thigh getting higher and higher  until about an inch from my private. I loved it so much but after the movies he didnt do anyhing but just stare at the ground. He had told me earlier that it was his last day to. but i told him ill miss him when he leaves but he never said anything back. He was gone for a long time, but through out the time i was txting kegan about me and logan. 

He would tell me things that Logan said about me, I always felt good about everything he would say. But txting kegan was hard exspecialy when he told me that the only reason Logan ever went out with me was because he told him to. Everything logan said about me a lie, about him thinking im pretty a lie. It was a scan, and it hurt me so much, Knowing that he was gonna break up with you was just terrifing to know. I wish no one had to go through what i gone through. It was so hard to put into words just for this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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