thank you - zhong chenle

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"i never thought this day would come." chenle begin, as his eyes looked towards to his brother with a hint of sadness. "i missed him so much. he was not only my brother but also my bestfriend, he encourage me on alot of things and i regret not telling him that im thankful for him. i never once said i love you to him, but i do. he was always by my side whenever i was in trouble, ready to listen to all of my rants. we never fight since we always agreed to things and im happy we don't have any tragic memories whatsoever." his voice began to crack. "i-i don't know if i can continue life without h-him." tears starts leaking out of his eyes as he choked. "i regret not coming with him, if i only did, i could still be with him in heaven." you felt a pang in your chest as he uttered those words. "i g-guess, this is l-life but i know god will make him happy above. i-i wanna thank him nonstop for m-making my life the greatest and i hope he knows that i love and miss h-him." he stopped for a moment as he struggled not to break down. "so bad." he finished, lowering his head.

the crowd was silent but it was heard that they were crying aswell.

chenle went back to his seat which was next you, his tears kept flowing to his cheeks. you felt bad and sad, not only because chenle, your bestfriend, is having a hard time accepting the truth but also because his brother was your friend. he treated you like a little sister of his and you treated him as an older brother.

you both would always talk about nonsense things and he would also tell embarassing stories of chenle when he was a child. you cracked a sad smile as chenle's brother's picture with him smiling slid into your mind and now, you can't help but let out the tears you've been holding on.

rest in piece big brother.

you were interupted as you heard chenle's sob became louder. you looked at him and saw that his eyes were already puffy and red, you can't help but hug him so tight. you ran a hand in his hair as he buried his head into your neck, feeling tears in your skin.

"sh.." you softly let out. "its okay chenle." you sighed, knowing that it's not really but you don't want to see him sad. but who wouldn't be sad to receive this awful news.

as the funeral was finished, you immediately went back home to changed. you were planning on staying with chenle to make him feel better and making sure he won't do something stupid.

you wore something comfy before running towards le's home which is only five houses away.

you let out a breath and tapped at the doorbell, creating a beautiful tone not like the overused one.

the door swing open to see mrs. zhong with red eyes, it made your face soften as you invited her in your embrace.

"hello y/n." she greeted you as she broke the hug and letting you enter. "he's upstairs.." she added, knowing you're looking for him.

"thank you aunt." you smiled at her and went upstairs.

as you were infront of his door that his name is engraved with a beautiful handwriting. baby blue was the chosen color he used.

you didn't bother to knock and grabbed to the door handle then slowly twisted it to open.

a boy with blankets covering him up like a sushi greeted your sight. you would think this is cute but seeing that the boy has tears streaming in his cheeks makes you think otherwise.

"le'." you finally spoke, getting his attention that didn't averted to you when you entered.

"y-y/n." he choked.

you allowed yourself in and hugged him. his muffled sob turned into crying as he immediately wrap his arms around your waist.

"y-y/n, i-i cant." he whispered into your neck. "w-why did he l-left so early?" he started to ramble as he continued to let his emotions drain him.

interupting him didn't slid into your mind because you want him to let out the heavy weight in his shoulders.

"i-i think i-i'm the one who should'veㅡshould of d-died." as he say those words, your mind went blank and broke the hug.

your gaze went serious and it was hinted you didn't like what he said and felt hurt by his words.

"what?" you unintentionally snapped.

he stayed silent, not even bothering to look at your (e/c) eyes as you sighed.

"zhong chenle." you said sternly. "why are you talking nonsense like that? you don't deserve to die neither did your brother do! do you think he'll be happy knowing that your thinking that? no, of course not. he wants the best for you and to continue life even when he's not around. i feel you but i didn't crossed the line. what if you did?" your voice was becoming quieter as you continued to lecture the older one. "i-i have no bestfriend anymore! you are my only friend chenle! don't ever think about leaving me too." you shook your head and wipe the tears that threaten to slip. "you are my everything, okay? please don't leave me." you cupped his cheeks and look him straight in the eye.

"i-im sorry y/n." he gently held both of your hands that was on his cheeks. "you're right, im sorry for not realising early. i think he would of t-told me t-the same." He whispered those words.

"good." you softly crack a small smile.

"good." he repeated after you and genuinely smiled.

there was a silence, not an awkward one but a comfortable one. you went by his side and gave him a side hug, you let the both of you lay down in his bed.

he faced you and tightly wrap his arms around your waist. he connected both of your foreheads as he quietly sigh.

"thank you y/n/n, i love you."

"i love you too Le'."

you guys stayed in the position as sleep consumed both of you.


my writing isn't good, im so sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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