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Leslie Knope

"We're screwed, Leslie.." Ben sighed, resting his head in his hands, "Our expenses have just tripled! We went from having one baby to having three all at one time," he stands up out of his chair and begins pacing around the room.

"Ben.." I tried to interject, but for once Ben was the one that was steamrolling through a conversation.

"I did the math. If I triple the expenses, these kids are going to cost us $2 million!"

"Ben.. honey.."

"We shouldn't have spent so much on that trip to Paris," he stops. "We had too many macaroons!"

"Ben.. Stop.." I took his hand in mine and he looked at me, "Everything is going to be okay, my majestic caterpillar."

He looked at me astonished, "Why aren't you freaking out about this? Leslie, this is a huge deal."

"I'm surprised too," I admitted, "But I think that all the stress I've experienced in my life has been preparing me for this moment, and I'm feeling completely at ease... and you should be too. We're about to have three little cherries. How about we focus on that?"

He took a breath and nodded, letting what I just said sink into his big, beautiful brain. "You're right. We've got this." Ben gave a sort of convincing smile and then gave me a kiss on the forehead, "We're gonna be parents."


Ben Wyatt

We don't have this... Our household is going to go from having no kids to three in the next nine months! I thought as I gave Leslie fake encouragement. I didn't know how she was so calm, but I knew that she was insane. The one time we should be freaking out, and Leslie Knope is calm as a cucumber. I shut my laptop before I had another mental break and walked out into the main office area. "Alright, everyone!" Leslie announced, "I have some news about the Unity Concert."

"You've hired Mouse Rat as the lead band for no less than $1,000," April said emotionless.

"No.. although, Mouse Rat can play for $50," she replied before continuing her thought, "We accomplished the biggest feat in human history. Land Ho is getting back together just for our Unity Concert!"

"Wait, really?! That's my favorite band! Babe," Andy looked at April, "We gotta go to this concert!"

"Andy.." I interjected, "You were with Leslie when the leader of Land Ho agreed to do the concert... and you're already going to the concert."

"Oh.. yeah, I knew that," Andy crossed his arms and failed to play it cool. I shook my head, but couldn't help to laugh a little.


Leslie Knope

"Today went great," I smiled as I slid into bed. Ben was already in bed reading some spreadsheets. He seemed to be more relaxed since we last talked earlier.

"Yeah, you've really hit it out of the park this time," Ben smiled and looked at me, "How are the little cherries?" He set aside the spreadsheets and sunk into bed before taking my hand in his.

"They're alright for now," I said looking down at my belly, "I guess we can't really tell right now, can we?"

"That's true.. I just want to make sure you're doing alright. You're my biggest priority right now. That's why drafting all these numbers freaks me out a little," He gently brushed his thumb across my hand.

"A little? Ben.. you had almost a full blown panic attack in there today. Are you sure you're alright with all this?" I looked at him concerned. He was right about this being something huge and new, but I needed to make sure he was 100% on board.

"What? Leslie, of course I'm okay with this. I'm starting a family with my favorite woman in the entire world," he smiled and kissed my forehead, "I love you, Leslie Knope, and I love these little cherries that are going to be our kids." He rested his hand on my belly and then leaned his beautiful face down to kiss me. I couldn't help but smile as we kissed.

"Ben Wyatt, you're a sexy hummingbird and I love you," I said before kissing him again.

"Alright, you need to get as much rest as possible for our little cherries. I love you," he smiled and gave me one more kiss before lying down and putting his arm around me in a hug.

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