The Zodiac

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Name: Gwendolyn 'Gwen' Parker

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Tall, long brown hair with red headband, blue eyes, light skin, black tank top, black jeans, and combat boots.  

Personality: Courageous, lively, strong willed, positive, filled with energy, impulsive, confrontational, indiscipline, stubborn.      


Name: Carlo Faux 

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: Average, short  black hair, amber eyes, tanned skin, white shirt, dark brown cargo shorts, hiking shoes.

Personality: Generous, dependable, persistent,  confident,  calming presence, lazy, dislikes hard work, jealous.


Name: Sean O'Brian 

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Appearance: Small, wiry, curly dark brown hair, light blue eyes, pale skin, plaid t shirt, grey shorts, running shoes.  

Personality: Enthusiastic, light hearted, witty, humorous, quick change personality, over confident, evasive.


Name: Maria Baron 

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Small, light blonde hair, ice blue eyes, fair skin, pink sweater, multi colored bracelets, blue jeans, sandals.

Personality: Sweet, creative, loving, loyal, protective, shy, moody, emotional french speaker (speaks in french when emotions riled)


Name: Gaius Regulus

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: Tall, lean, reddish blond hair, one red eye one blue eye, fair skin, red shirt, brown vest, black cargo shorts, dark running shoes.

Personality: Confident, proud, guardian personality, supportive, perfectionist, doesn't speak his inner thoughts, self sacrificing.


Name: Chelsea Bright 

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Appearance: Average, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, dark skin, brown shirt, brown leather coat, skirt, black leggings, high heeled shoes

Personality: Graceful, reliable, practical, forgiving, analytical, harsh, judgmental, critical.


Name: James Wild 

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Appearance: Average, dark blond hair, dark blue eyes, light skin, long sleeved, long blue pants, running shoes.    

Personality: Diplomatic, just, balanced, tactful, intelligent, laid back, meditative.


Name: Mira Helix

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Appearance: Tall, curly blonde hair, green blue eyes, short sleeved green shirt, silver skull necklace, dark blue jeans, black shoes.

Personality: Serious, quiet, calm, short temper, isolation lover, complex social personality, confident.       


Name: Richard Slight 

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: Average, neck length red hair, gold eyes, fair skin, dark blue shirt, brown hooded coat, brown jeans, soft shoes.

Personality: Helpful, inventive, active, rational, impatient, overconfident, one chance giver.


Name: Tye Redwood

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Appearance: Tall, short black hair, dark brown eyes, brown-red skin, shell necklace,  dark orange shirt, black shorts, black boots.

Personality: Solid, spiritual, tolerant, vegetarian, passive, slow but dangerous temper, quiet but opinionated.   


Name: Kamiko Yuki 

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Average, neck length black hair, silver eyes, dark red shirt, black and red hoodie, black shorts under a red skirt.

Personality: Smart, curious, calm, cheerful, stubborn, hard to understand, honorable, prideful.


Name: Trinity White

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Appearance: Small, Shoulder length light brown hair with blue streaks, green eyes, fair skin, long sleeved blue dress shirt, black shorts, light shoes.

Personality: Kind, timid, eternally friendly, supportive, self doubting, inquisitive.

So these are the characters for the new story. I decided not to list their powers as I wanted it to be a surprise. I also kept descriptions short for that reason.  

Edit: Made the ages 14 and 15 to make it easier to explain.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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