Best Day Ever

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Oh, I remember that day, the day when everything changed. If I look back to it now, then I should have been much more thankful for what I had...

21. August XXXX
7:48 AM

An annoying sound was filling the room, the sound of an alarm ringing. It had been now on for exactly three minutes and nobody was even thinking about putting it out. The male who had been laying in the bed was covering his head with his huge pillow, what was probably the reason he didn't hear it. The night before was wild, he had been at a party from one of his friends. Of course, a lot of alcohol was involved, just like a big amount of silly activities. Jean let out a groan two minutes later. A headache he had was now unbearable waking up. He pushed himself up, the pillow falling down from him, growling quietly at the sound of the alarm, so he decided to grab the pillow and throw it, that both things fell to the ground. The alarm being broken now. "..Finally" he mumbled tiredly with a loud yawn, scratching afterwards the back of his head. He barely remembered what happened yesterday, he didn't even remember how he got home, but he didn't seem to care about it since he got home safely.

The normal morning ritual happened now: Going to the bathroom to take a shower, brushing his teeth at the same time, dry himself afterwards, put fresh clothes on and making himself afterwards something to eat. While he was eating he checked on his phone looking through the pictures he made. Some of them made him blush as he could see that apparently every one of them took off most their clothes. That would explain why he woke up in only his underwear and socks. "Ah geez, I wish I would remember that properly.." he mumbled. The brown haired male took the remote, turning now the TV on.

Again all the reports of the disease. Nobody knew from where it came or what it even is, it was a confusing thing. The symptoms where simple though, first you get aggressive, then your skin gets some weird kind of scale which had been all rough, your eyes turn black with blood coming out of them. The doctors have discovered, that this had probably been the last stage, but they are not sure of it. Jean rolled his eyes turning the TV off again, his mind is lost in thoughts. He didn't want to admit that he secretly was afraid of this whole thing since he normally always was the one person who was the toughest of his friends. He now cleaned the kitchen up while humming a new song he liked.

The sound of the doorbell interrupted his peace, he turned his head to look at the door thinking if he should open the door. He dried his hands with the kitchen towel, throwing it to one of the chairs, heading afterwards to the door opening it. "Good Morning Jean, I hope you were able to get some rest after the wild night we had yesterday. Oh also you've got a lot of letters" the other male said handing him eight letters. "Why are you already here, Marco? Don't you have anything better to do than always visiting me in the fucking morning? But thank you, I suppose you brought me home yesterday is that right?" "Yeah...I just couldn't leave you there, could I?" Jean stepped to the side "Make yourself comfortable" Marco did it, sitting down on the couch and looking around "So what are your plans for today?" "Nothing, I am still tired and my headache is killing me slowly" he joined him on the couch. "...Say, Jean what do you think about this weird new disease?" Silence filled now the room before he answered "It will go away soon, isn't it always like that? I mean something makes it to the news and disappears after around two weeks or so" he said as respond shrugging with his shoulders. "..Hm like you say, you are probably right anyway, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" "Nah don't worry, it's totally fine" he mumbled in response. Afterwards, both of them just continued to talk about random things which came into their mind.

-Five hours later-

It was still quiet only the atmosphere had gotten weird, it could be described as being in a place you definitely don't want to be, but you are there. It felt cold and at the same time, lonely combined with the feeling of a graveyard. Jean freaked a little out at the feeling, something told him to prepare himself and go to a safe place, packing his stuff and loading it into his land rover. The things he packed were a lot of clothes, medicine, everything you would need to treat an open wound and his weapons. He locked the house droving to the next grocery store to get more food, afterwards, he went to the hunting store to get more bullets and a third weapon since you never knew what could happen. Canisters full of petrol were the next thing he got, before driving to his friend's house. Quickly getting out of the rover he rapidity knocked on the door. Marco went over opening it, being a little surprised to see his friend. The nervousness and stress he felt could immediately be seen. "Everything okay?" he asked slightly confused and worried at the same time "Grab all of your important stuff, including clothes, food, the medical stuff and weapons, now. We do not have time to discuss this" Marco nodded doing what his friend said. He knew that he wouldn't joke around and he could see how serious he was about this. Half an hour later they got everything and loaded it onto the rover as well, getting inside of the vehicle, turning the radio on as Jean started the car driving away. He wasn't sure where he should drive to but somewhere must be a safe place, right?

Around ten minutes later it got announced, the disease broke out and has infected a lot of people. The way its carried out is through bite wounds. Jean growled quietly, Marco looking now surprised at him "How did you know?" "I have no fricking idea! I felt weird and wanted to go and now this is happening!" he said gripping tighter onto the steering wheel. "Anyways we need a safe place, do you know one? I do not want to end up in this ugly mess" he said with a sigh, looking closely at the street. They currently were driving on a street on whose sides had been the forest. It made him feel uncomfortable. What if one of those infected people would already be here and just suddenly jump out. He had the weapons but he didn't know if he really would be able to kill someone. "I think I know a place it is not exactly hidden, but its lost and high up so the chance of someone coming is pretty least I hope so" "Where is it?" Marco told him that it had been close to the mountains. There should be a small lost house. That could be the perfect hiding spot, maybe they could even live there without getting bothered. Jean began to think about plans for how they would secure themselves there, while quickly driving to it.

-Two Hours Later-

They arrived. The car standing in the garage. Marco had gotten everything out of it and began to clean up, while Jean began to build a fence around the house, getting a generator to work for the electricity. "...I wonder how long we will survive this torture.." he mumbled quietly, going close to the scarp looking to their hometown. The male with the freckles joined him laying his arm carefully around him. The sirens from the police cars could be heard, just like the gunshots. By the time they got here around 3,700 people got infected and it was rising. "Well looks like humanity is fucked again huh?" Jean said with a sigh "Best fucking day.." he leaned his head on his friend's shoulder as they continued to watch the scenery, the sunset being the only beautiful thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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