Chapter One

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Your POV

It was pouring outside. My arms and sides were bruised, blood running down my face. A group of bullies caught up with me just in time to do something, anything horrible to me. Tears were also running down my face as I opened the front door to my house and entered, slaming and locking it behind me.

My home wasn't in bad shape. Cozy actually. But I rushed to the bathroom to avoid getting blood on my carpet. I turned on the shower, unchanged, and hopped in. I hissed in pain as the water stung my wounds and cuts. I got used to it quickly, convincing myself I've had much worse. I washed all the blood off me, scrunching my nose in pain just a bit when the shampoo hit the gash on my head.

I turned off the shower and got out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself. I walked into my room putting on some comfortable clothes. My stomach grumbled as I realised how hungry I really was.

A few years ago my parents had gone to prison for child abuse, constantly hurting me and killed my pet dog named Kelly. The only good I had in this world. My other family didn't want me so all my life has been in foster care, but only to be moved around a million times before I was 18.

So I live alone now. I go to school everyday to come home like this. I actually have no friends. All anyone does is look and judge.

I sigh, finishing a sandwhich before plopping myself on my bed. My life was a mess. I always believed that things would get better. But all that hope went to waste as my life slowly got worse.

I miss everything I used to have. Before everyone betrayed me. Before all the pain and misery and sorrow.

Eventually, slowly, I cried myself to sleep.


I looked around and blinked a couple of times. ' I?' I thought in wonder. Everything was white. There wasn't any walls or any sight of an ending. Just...white.

I jumped as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my body around to be face to face with..a skeleton??

"Hello! I'm Sans. But please, call me Dream!" The skeleton smiled holding his hand out to me. I was hesistant, but then shook his bony hand. "(Y/n)..Err, why are you in my dreams? How are you in my dreams, and what are you?" I asked letting go of his hand. He put his arms behind his back in a serious manner. "I was summoned by your negative energy, I'm not fully physical yet so I only occur in dreams since your positiveity is low, and I am the protecter of positivity, hopes and dreams." He answered with a smile.

I stood still for a moment. Trying to process this information. Its true, I have been very down lately, almost ready to just give up. Is.. That why he is here?? Well, a protecter of positivity hopes and dreams none the less I suppose.

"Well, I should get going! Your waking up. But, today, try to feel better! I bet your smile will light up my day! See ya" and with that, everything went black and I woke up.


I jolted awake, confused was all I could say I felt in the least. It...was just a dream... Right?

I shrugged and changed clothes, getting ready for school. 'But, today, try to feel better! I bet your smile will light up my day. See ya'. Dreams words played back through my head, and little did I know,

I was smiling.

So guys! How was that? I hope it was a good first chapter. But, ya. I'm gonna like where this will be going!

Dream! Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now