This is the Future

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Virtual Reality.

A term which means a whole new world.

If you look it up in the dictionary, you get this:

Virtual Reality - the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

"That's right everyone, we now have an artificial intelligence system that holds as much power as just over ten thousand watts of energy."

"What's the use for the system?" A reporter asked, shoving their microphone up to the speaker.

"We will make good use out of this system. It can help many people."

"Why use such a complicated system?" Another one asked, out of the hundreds swarming the podium.

"Because this is system is strong enough to create a virtual reality."

A chorus of gasps and strongly anticipated reactions from the crowd. Cameras flashed at a rapid rate and people chattered on and on. You could barely hear the security guards— who were stationed at every entrance and every exit— with their walkie-talkies and their sharp uniforms.

The event was guarded, protected, and very prestige. Probably one of the most important events of the year.

Project Reality.

And it was all to announce one of the biggest projects in the history of projects.

"A computer system that can generate a whole town, states, landmarks, and even capitals.

This AI is specially designed to create and that is its sole purpose. It can even create holographical simulations of people who live there."

Many gasped at this and more murmurs were heard from the crowd.

"Does it talk?"

"Yes, it does talk, but not that much. It only responds to spoken commands or just regular talking."

"Why use such a complicated system?"

"Can you tell us what it will do for the people?"

Reporters shot questions at the podium one by one. But everyone remained calm and collected.

"It will definitely do great things. With this new system of virtual reality, there can be homes easily built for the homeless. Food brought, stored, and made for people living in poverty. New places to explore, travel, and new things to find and create.

After all, a system can still be a mystery to its creator. Or in this case, creators."

The comment arouse a bit of a laugh from most of the adults in the crowd.

"Our team will now come up to do their speech and then we will move right along."

The team of engineers that built the reality, were two guys and two girls; they stepped up to the podium as the speaker stepped to the side.

"Thank you, thank you everyone for coming. We are very excited to unveil our new project to the world." One of the boys said into the microphone, then handed it off to one of the girls.

"We created this AI world to help people. To give people a chance. To help people lead better lives. We created this for a change."

Then, the girl passed the mic on to the next boy. "This AI can be an amazing thing for so many people. Also, an amazing thing for many different types of people with different types of jobs and occupations.

This AI can help people and that was our main goal."

Finally, the boy handed it off the last member of the team who had yet to speak; another girl.

"That's right. We think we achieved our primary goal; and, as previously stated, a system can still be a mystery to its creators. Even all four of us have still yet to figure out some of the secrets awaiting inside.

Change is coming. This is the future. Thank you."

Everyone in the crowd clapped loudly and some even wolf-whistled. The speaker came back up and raised their hand to silence the crowd.

Once the crowd had quieted down, he spoke up yet again. "Now, today we have a special surprise for the last part of this conference. As you all know, this virtual reality system will not be open until 1-2 weeks' time. So, we are unveiling a special demo here for you today."

The crowd gasped, and murmured, and chatted, and clapped.

"Come, come here." The speaker called and a little AI robot drove up onstage. It was silver, shaped like a box, and had four little wheels to move around on.

"Now, we haven't quite worked out a name for it just yet. We shall let everyone know when that time comes.

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves. For you are about to witness one of the first reality demos in history. I present to you, Project Reality."

The speaker stepped aside as well as the engineer team, and anyone else that happened to be on the podium.

The little AI box unfolded and it shaped into a small silver Launchpad. A little green button sat in the middle of it and speaker made a point of showing it off.

"You can press the button manually or with a remote." The speaker took a remote out of their pocket and showed it to the crowd. They then pressed the button; and as they did, the button raised up to form a mini projector.

That's when they all saw it.

A splash of blue.

Blue particles made their way out of the projector and up onto the stage. Some stayed blue and most turned different colors, which made the crowd gasp in awe.

They shaped and shifted, flowing up and over the people in the crowd. The particles popped like snow, forming mini fireworks and making little kids giggle excitedly.

Streams of particles overturned and overlapped each other like waves, creating a smooth and steady stream of them flowing out of the projector.

It was like the magic of the morning dew as the reality began to chip its final pieces and come together as one. The crowd was one of gasps as they viewed the final result. The girl was right; this was the future.

And I was right at the center of it. 

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