Run, Chung, Run!

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Chung did not show up to school that day.

It seemed as if everyone around him was turning up dead. Apple, Lime, even Speka... Even one of his close guy friends was gone—Lowe.

The blonde seemed to cave into himself mourning the deaths of all those people. But within the dark thunderstorm of sadness was also a hint of anger.

There was only one possible suspect who could've committed those murders—Aisha.

That crazy girl... he seethed.

But what could he do? She was captain of the baseball team, and boasted deadly prowess with her signature bat. It was only a matter of time before she got what she wanted.

And what she wanted was... him.

It didn't matter if he rejected her before. It didn't matter how vehemently he did it. In fact, that harsh rejection only tempered her determination.

These thoughts buzzed in his head, increasing his anxiety. In a cold sweat, Chung rushed to his computer to book a train ticket. The price was steep and the move was risky, but if it was to save lives so be it. Chung wanted out of this insane situation.

But as he continued with the order, a cold feeling began to form on his shoulders. It creeped down his back and onto his arms, engulfing his body in terror.

Chung ignored the feeling and instinctively typed faster.


There, he placed the order and printed the ticket.

The old printer came alive, its lights lighting up the dimly lit room. Then it began to whir as it printed the ticket.

Except it wasn't a ticket.

"You shouldn't have done that. </3" The paper read in large font.

Chung froze at the sight of those words. Then, with a rickety sound he slowly turned his horrified eyes to the door. It was as if he could feel an evil presence behind it.

He silently lay prone, and to his horror he saw two booted feet through the tiny slit below the door.

"I know you're there," a tiny little angelic voice said.

Chung's heart dropped to his stomach, and he crawled to the side of the room near the window. Aisha would burst open at any moment, and as he did, he silently undid the locks on his window and prepared to escape.

There would be no time to pack. No good-bye notes. Just evidence of a will to survive and be free.

The wary blonde wasted no time. When Aisha finally burst into the room with the eyes of a wild boar and a blood-stained school uniform, Chung was already making a break for his car.

Adrenaline pulsed like lightning in his body, as Chung ran as fast as he could towards the car. But with a smirk, Aisha pressed a button on a dubious device in her hand.

And just like that, Chung's valiant efforts went up in flames. Aisha's detonator set off the IED she planted earlier in the car.

The shockwave knocked the runaway boy backwards onto the ground, the impact knocking the wind out of him. The old Sedan that once belonged to his father was completely engulfed in flames.

He turned away from the fire and flames to face the dark figure walking eerily towards him. She had a crazed smile on her face, as well as a bloody bat hanging nonchalantly on her shoulders.

In that moment, all the adrenaline he once had abandoned him, leaving him cold and defenseless. Chung lay still on his knees before her, as the last of his hope escaped him.

Aisha walked suavely toward her prize, her hips swaying from side to side.

All of a sudden, she grabbed the defeated Chung's shirt and violently pulled him upwards.


Chung blushed like mad when he felt Aisha's delicate lips assaulting him.

"Mine now," she declared after thoroughly tasting him.

Putting the blonde in an arm lock, the purplette dragged him back through his open window inside his bedroom. She switched her grip on him and violently threw him on the bed.

"Oof!" Chung grunted as he pushed away. Immediately he felt a weight on his pelvic region. He slowly opened his eyes, only to behold the girl straddling him.

Aisha looked around his room, before peering her lust-filled eyes down at her prey.

"This room is pretty messy," she commented. Her lips curled into a sly smile. "Let's make it even messier~"

She bent down, and—

You thought! You'll never catch me writing a lemon!

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You thought! You'll never catch me writing a lemon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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