Chapter 1: The Meeting

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"C'mon!" I shout, "We gotta go faster!"

Unfortunately, Arcadia's hair catches on a log, "Ugh! Curse this hair!" She cries out, trying to get it unstuck, "Poppy! Help me dammit!" I rush over, but not before muttering "language" under my breath.

Suddenly George swoops in from behind us, "What's the hold up? The guards are almost upon us!" He looks behind his shoulder.

Arcadia and I are still trying to get her hair loose, "My hair is stuck!" She says, pointing down at the log.

George rolls his eyes, "Are you serious?!"

Just then the ground starts to shake, "Uh oh, no time to get it loose!" And with that he takes out his dagger and cuts her hair with one swipe, "Now run!" He shouts as he flys up to scout ahead.

Arcadia and I bolt, but not before I comment, "Good thing we stopped at the mine to get that diamond dagger." Arcadia nods.

I look behind my shoulder to see that the Queen had joined the knights in a carriage and was shouting one thing, "Bring me her head!"and pointing at me!

/Hey! So I bet you're wondering why that woman wants my head, how that guy is flying, and who I am. Well I'm here to answer at least one of those questions. So let's back track to the beginning of this story, shall we? (Start playing song now)/

Allison "Arcadia" Quinn, A half Hispanic girl that passes as American with her thick long dark brown hair and her Hazel eyes. She also happens to be someone that you don't want to get into a fight with. Age 17.

George Murphy, A boy that's half Irish on his Dad's side and looked like a leprechaun when he was a child with his emerald eyes, freckles, and ginger hair, not to mention his mischievous smirk. He tends to play pranks as well as know quite a few shady tricks. Age 16.

Poppy Patel, A girl that's Half Native American so she often gets bullied for her skin by other girls and as well as for her Grey eyes, yet never for her dark blonde hair. Although she is very naive she has a few tricks up her sleeve thanks to her friends. Age 14.

You may be wondering what these names have in common. Well these are the names of the three main characters, now let's hop to it.

————Arcadia's P.O.V.————
Beep beep beep beep be- crash!
Ugh!  I hate that stupid alarm clock, why did I ever agree to it in the first place again?  Oh right, rehearsal.  Shit!  Rehearsal

At this moment I jump out of bed and start rushing to get dressed before mí Madre comes in and tried to make me dress more feminine-like and all that shit, it's bad enough she made join the stupid summer play production group again, where I have to play Tybalt in this years gender bent production of Romeo and Juliet.  It's not all bad though, I got to meet my best friends because of this thing, I still remember our faithful meeting till this day:
~~Flashback to three years ago~~
I can not believe mí Mama is making me waste my summer on this stupid play group, ugh! 
I walked over to the sign up table to write down my name, Allison Quinn, in the section for auditions.  It said that if someone didn't get a part on stage that they would be helping backstage like with costumes and tech, so there's really no way out of this.  I feel a tap on my shoulder and see someone that looked like a tall leprechaun, weird.

The leprechaun dude gestures to the clipboard, "Are you gonna move or...?"  I move to the side to let him write down his name, George Murphy is what he writes out

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