I deserve all of this

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"I didn't mean to inturrupt their lives. I didn't want to ruin his. Yet again, I've become a nuisance."


"All I wanted was to become friends; I didn't expect that I'd break her in the process."
Two broken hearts, both filled with regrets.

A ShinAeXNol fanfic


Hello guys! I've started a new fanfic of a completely new subject: a webtoon called I love yoo by Quimchee. You should check it out before reading this Fanfic.

Warning: Spoilers
If you havent read the latest episode of I love yoo, I suggest you read it now. This fanfic will contain current content on the webtoon.

This fanfic will switch back and forth between Yeong Gi and Shin Ae each chapter. I'm doing this because this story is my interpretation between the thoughts of both characters.

I want to be able to give you the feels of both characters, and the frustration they have for their friendship as well as their lives.

Why do I ship Shin Ae and Nol?
To be honest, Shin Ae and Kousuke aren't bad together too. In fact, there was a point in the story where I was a ShinAeXKousuke Shipper. But now I feel that Shin Ae and Nol have a friendship that is rare; both know what its like to go through so much hardships one after another. They are able to relate and help each other, to comfort and to protect one another.

This fanfic will be a short story.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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