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Why, why did it have to be him, here and now. You were running away from your apartment that you once shared with your beloved boyfriend. But he hurt you, your real boyfriend was kidnapped, and you were left with this identical clone that knew what made you tick. And you caught him with someone else, his costar for his upcoming film that he is the lead in.

You made it home from rehearsal for once in a great while and you wanted to surprise him with dinner from his favourite place, but you came home to hell on earth. She was naked and sprawled out on your bed, the bed you used to make love to him. The place that you were most vulnerable and putty in his hands. And she was there, tainting the once beautiful art piece.

And then he walks out of the bathroom like he was innocent, his lower body wrapped in a towel, upper body still wet from his shower. All you could feel was your heart shatter. And you ran.

Ignoring him pleading out your name.


Don't look back.

Come on you stupid fucking tiny legs, let's go.

Isthis really happening to me?

A/N: Hello my little moonbeams!! I haven't written a story since like 2014 and all those were deleted so i wanted to present an idea that i would like to consider my first story. Please feel free to message me and keep in touch. Let me know what you think!!

Tip of the Day: Don't let the past's terrible experiences wreck havoc on you moving forward into a better life. Keep shining bright moonbeam!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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